Sunday, December 26, 2010


Finally on a Sunday morning, managed to wake up at 430am to prepare myself to join my parents/sister to Lower Pierce Resv for the usual morning exercise. My body has been tired lately and I skipped the exercise (ha qi) for a month already. The feeling of guiltyness do make me think about my body shape. Of couse, I still go to the gym 2-3 times regularly to maintain my stamina and body weight. Not really for the body beauty, but more of for my health. A bit disappointing when my future husband actually comment on my look-bloated stomach. i think i got to be more vigilant in future.

Lots of people in the morning...but I still do what it was supposed to be done. The 'qi' in my body wasnt up to the best standard and totally, I feel the 'qi' in my body running haywired for many times that I have to force myself to stop the exercise to regulate the breathing back. And honestly, it felt sooooo good to sweat a lot even though the smell really stink.

Lucky my sister drives, so we're able to head to MacDonald for breakfast. On our way, a man - able-bodied, went to my sister and asked her for money to buy him coffee. We were trembling honestly, wondering if we rejects him, will he get a knife and slattered us? I mean... since this is so common in Singapore currently.

We sit in MacDonald for a while, chit-chat and look at people. One man really caught my attention... We're sitting there enjoying our breakfast, then this man, dont really look that old, came in > walked towards our seats beside where there are leftover food > flip through all the leftover > take the half eaten burger > eat it and left.

GOSH! How hygenic was that???

My sister actually said she could gave him a treat if he is that hungry but he looked extremely able-bodied. Then why such thrify?

At the end of the day, sitting here typing this out, I wonder what our future society will turn to?