Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Monday, 23 May 2011

Are foreign workers using our drinking water to bathe and wash up after sex?

I was going to do a blog posting on PM Lee’s cutting of Minister salaries. However what happened below is so shockingly disgusting that I feel compelled to blog about it first.By now, everyone should have heard about the unfortunate Indonesian maid who was murdered by her Bangladeshi boyfriend. If you have not, you can check out the CNA report here.After being murdered, her body was dumped into the water tank which was the source of the drinking water for several blocks of residents in Sembawang. According to reports, the water in the tank was “foamy” when the body was found. This means that the body had started to decompose.To allay voter concerns, MP Vikram Nair made the following home made video posthaste and put in up on Youtube. This was then carried on CNA. In the video, he is seen drinking what Singaporeans have called “dark water”.

In doing the Youtube, MP Nair probably thought he had contained the damage. He was probably even congratulating himself that he had managed to score some brownie points with those nasty P65 voters who have been giving the PAP so much grief.Imagine to his surprise therefore when approximately a hundred and fifty angry residents stormed his MPS. http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/seasia/singapore-apartment-block-residents-voice-anger-after-murder/442387

The residents were angry over 2 points.

1. The police report was made at 10 am. The Town Council however kept quiet about it until 5 pm. They were therefore using the contaminated water during that period.

2. The residents were reported as saying that they had seen the foreign workers near the water tank with bathing towels. They therefore suspected that the foreign workers had been using the water tank to bathe. They also believed that the foreign workers had taken their girlfriends to the water tank for sex and washed up in the drinking waters after sex. This was censored initially but eventually published in Lianhe Wanbao according to Karamabear on Sammyboy forum (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?93744-Bangla-bathed-in-water-tank-after-sex...).

The link to the original Wanbao article in Chinese is here: http://news.omy.sg/News/Local%2BNews/Story/OMYStory201105221525-246987.html.

The second point struck me as supremely disgusting. What concerned me even more is that the Town Council involved had outsourced the running of the HDB housing estates to EM Services. EM Services is responsible for providing estate management services for a large number HDB housing estates all over Singapore. If the lapses occurred in Sembawang, could they have occurred elsewhere?Politically, EM Services is extremely well connected to the PAP. Ang Mong Seng, Chan Soo Sen and even Mah Bow Tan all reportedly have links to EM Services. This is not the first time that the company has been involved in controversy. Previously, the Online Citizen did a series of articles on how EM Services was renting out government owned HDB flats to foreign workers at high rental prices. This resulted in needy Singaporeans wanting to rent a subsided government owned HDB flat having to wait as long as 26 months.http://theonlinecitizen.com/2010/01/hdbs-reply-on-rental-flats-unclear

PM Lee has been saying repeatedly that after GE 2011, the PAP has changed to become more accountable to Singaporeans. If he is serious about this, he should immediately order a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into this matter. This Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry should include both PAP and Opposition MPs. If this matter is swept under the carpet because it appears that not many Singaporeans are aware of it, then we have yet another piece of empirical data that PAP is not really serious about honoring those promises which were made in GE 2011.


Source: singstatistician

Monday, May 23, 2011


I was at Batam the past few days with families and had the honor to reside in Formosa Grand Hotel (5*). Charles and Pichong went along too.

Anyway, don’t think will visit Batam within anytime soon since there was nothing much and the cost of selling is quite costly although they are a poor country. But by looking at their living standard, I just feel fortunate of where I am rooted at.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Adults are often vulnerable on one occasion – when they saw babies below 3 years old. You will saw the adults making funny faces just to exchange a smile or giggle from the babies looking at them. This morning, amazingly, I saw 3 adults doing those funny faces on 3 different babies in the MRT and its platform. And it was awesome to hear the babies’ laughter after that. It does make my day more positive. No wonder they say a family needs to have at least a kid to unite and improve the family’s positiveness level. In this case, perhaps I should have a kid too in future when financially allow.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


"I may not have a good start, but I definitely ensure to have a good finish."

Monday, May 2, 2011


what is love?

i thought love is... 2 persons have to be constantly together, holding each other hands, walk till the end...

then i realised, love is... understanding what the person want and feel... not really abou 2 persons have to be constantly being sticky with each other.

when i thought married couple have to be together, no matter live or breathe together...

sometimes, it is just aint possible.

perhaps, emotionally let go is the best possible love one could give.