Friday, June 10, 2011


I read about our wonderful statistician’s article and laugh at what I saw which I thought it would be interesting to share. He quoted one phrase from our Mr 老李 (LKY) and I could sense our Mr 老李 frustration towards the constant complaining of Singaporeans. His helpless sarcastic comment did not brings or will never brings joy and peace towards Singaporean because he will NEVER understand what it is like to earn a pity unsurvivable salary as compared to his millions bucks salary.

Then, the transport minister, Lui Teck Yew, begins taking rides on trains/buses during peak hour. He feels what he did will eventually understand the (again) constant complaints of commuters on the packed trains/buses during peak hours. Mr Statistician has his point of say (quoted below) which I totally agree. My comment: So fake!

Below what I quoted:

Mr Lee Kuan Yew once said:Having any job is better than having no job at all. Never mind your Gini coefficient. If you don't have a job, you get zero against those with jobs.

The PAP's thinking therefore is that as long as you have a job, you should be grateful to them. You should kwai kwai shut up and not complain that the pay sucks and the work is horrible. When there is an election, you should show your appreciation by voting for them.

Recently Minister Lui Teck Yew had to go live among ordinary Singaporeans by taking an MRT ride during peak hour. As you can see from his face, he did not seem very happy. He looks as if he is standing near the doors, a place seasoned MRT commuters know to avoid if you do not want to get pushed and shoved.

For me, I find these attempts by our PAP Ministers to "pretend" to be normal Singaporeans to be hypocritical and insulting. Everyone knows that it is "for show" only. For Minister Lui, taking the MRT ride is like going on an excursion to visit say the beggars in Bangkok to see how life is like. Once the excursion is over, he goes back to his life of privilege and luxury.