Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Had two big luggage from my apartment to the office in the morning. cursing under my breathe that I shouldn't have brought so much things. a couple of presents (made of glass) are heavy. the pavements are made of stone so dragging the two luggage was really tedious, but I only hope the glass inside the luggage were not broken.

after meeting, I left the office. with the help of a very young and handsome colleague, we walked to the airport express train station (flytoget). I hated the express train. not because it was not fast enough, but to get to the train, there are only steps. I had to drag my luggage again. pull and push to put it at the right place. terrible. some paint on my luggage actually tear, so you can image the strength I gather to wrestle around with the luggage. initially wanted to take some picture, I dropped the idea since I was too tired to move my hands.

when the express train arrive the airport station, I have to wrestle with the luggage again to get it off-board. then comes ANOTHER NIGHTMARE, there was no lift from the express train station into the airport. I curse under my breath (again) then took the slow moving escalator. then the nightmare begins... my luggage was the biggest in its size, and I thought I have fasten it carefully with my legs and body when the escalator moved up. and I WAS WRONG. the whole luggage (2 of them) toppled onto me and I fell 3 steps down. my legs hurt like crazy but I couldn't move, as I need to secure and hug on to the luggage. any movement, the luggage move and I move, both of us will fell off and came rolling down the moving escalator steps. I think I hit a lady who stands behind me. if it not her weight, somebody might have to call the ambulance for me, the lady and my 2 luggage. WHY CANT THEY INSTALL LIFT?? when arrive the top, I apologize to the lady continuously then find a chair to look at the damage of my legs. bled a little and few parts of the skin was off. at that very moment, I felt so vulnerable. sat for a while there, calm down a little and off I go shopping at the tax-free shops =)!

below are some photos I took while on the plane. the moon was accompanying me throughout the 1st flight. feel good.

   and yes, I took business class =)