Thursday, November 14, 2013


I am not fat but I got a muffin-top tummy. Okay, meaning I don’t have a very flat tummy even when I am not fat. I guess this is quite a common problem for most girls which I noticed when walking down the streets.

At some point, I did crunches and that’s all I do. No other cardio exercise regime to add on. Did it for a while every night before bed but couldn’t see much changes to that muffin top of mine. So I kind of give it all up since it is not working correctly as what I’ve planned. Signed up gym, then realized just by doing crunches to get a flat tummy is totally not correct, as according to the fitness instructor. Circuit training is equally important to build/tone muscle of the overall body. Which means, strength exercise and cardio work has to incorporated into my exercise regime to get a flat tummy as well as other part of the body shaped nicely.

Another exercise which my fitness instructor likes to combine with the rest of the routines is planking and I hated it max. Not as easy as it looks or sounds, but the fitness instructor always tells me all efforts are well worth in order to perfect the body. I still hates it though.

I will be heading to the gym after work later. Hope I can work more on those extra fats.