Thursday, October 8, 2015


Finally changed my specs after 3 years of wearing it. But I am having some problems getting use to the new specs. Not about the vision mainly, is the frame that is too big and heavy. A regret move. Since I have paid so much on a specs (Emporio Armani. More than SGD500). For now, my ears are really painful due to the heavy weight resting on it 24/7. I need to make it comfortable, which only mean I need to go back to the shop (my 3rd time returning to fix the weight) to get it shape up to fit my ears. So you can only imagine how grumpy and irritated I am right now. The pain vs the number of times going back to the shop. At this very moment, I WANT A LASIK.

Then I came across this article online regarding reversing of myopia and astigmatism. As well as 45% have permanent eye damage after lasik according to FDA (maybe not referring to Singaporean).

Interesting huh. Many other people who tried the method have significant result of reversing the myopia and astigmatism. I am determine to try.

The person online mentioned in his blog…"Let me tell you this, 100% for sure: eye exercises don't work. Popping "eye vitamins", doesn't work. The only thing that works, is positive, persistent habits. …"

Wish me luck. And I hope one day, I no longer need that heavy big frame specs hanging on my nose and ears.