Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Tomorrow is D-day

I thought I can don’t think about it or visualize it, but the nerve is starting to get more active than expected. I will be lying if I say I am not scare, because it is still my eyes at the end of the day (don’t let me go blind pls).

Dear Dr Ho, my eyes and probably my life is in your hands. Pls do a good job.

Dear God, pls make my recovery process easy and smooth.

Monday, June 27, 2016


I started thinking about undergoing Lasik since 5 or 6 years ago. That time, it was the in-thing to do. However, I lack courage and money, so the plan was put off.

Now I have finally pluck up the courage and go ahead because I involve myself in active exercise like gym/yoga. Can you imagine everytime I did yoga, the specs just roll down to the end of my nose. Of course, my friend did persuade me successfully. She takes credit for it. With a little money in the bank (gonna eat grass for the next 3 months), a little older and wiser, a little more courage and many more urge to want to be free off glasses, I booked the evaluation with Clear Vision. Why Clear Vision, because online review (whether it is blogger review or not), I haven’t found one that has its degree/astigmatism returns from this clinic. Yup, it gave me a boost of confidence in going ahead. It was a 1 month wait for the evaluation.

The night before the evaluation:

I wasn’t able to sleep well. I don’t know what to expect on the evaluation. Is it going to be painful or uncomfortable? What is going to happen when the eye drop dropped and dilation happens? These questions kept running through inside my head. I was supposed to sleep for 7 hours. But I guess I only manage to sleep like 5 hours.

The day - evaluation:

I reach on time. Waited a little bit for my turn to undergo check up. It was station by station so it takes a while. Checks on the power of the eyes, the shape of the eye, eye pressure, corneal thickness and then some eye drops dropped by the nurse to wait for it to dilate at the end. Every test wasn’t scary or painful. Maybe just the part on the eye pressure, is a bit, itchy. There was a gush of air shoot right into the eye. 3 times per eye. Other than that is ok.

Dilation took a while. Probably about 20mins. After which, everything seems bright. And the words are blurry. I walked to Mount Elizabeth to meet my doctor where he analyzed and let me know if I am a suitable candidate for Lasik. AND yes I did.

"you have very healthy eyes. I should be able to give you perfect eyesight."

Those are the words. Yes. It is enough to triple boost my courage to go ahead with the operation.

Few more days to go and I am excited. I cant wait to have my eyes back. I already kind of forgotten when was the last time when I was without my glasses without going blind.