Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I am 28 years old and worked for 8 years now. I don’t know if at 28 years old, the above subject title represents best of me, it just doesn’t sound right that I am having a midlife career crisis when I am only 28. And supposedly midlife, it refers to people who change their career when they are about 40 years old. Also, many people changing career during midlife, it probably because of the ailing economy or shrinking company where they are at. But for me, my current skill in my current role lost the challenges that I used to enjoy. Boredom crawls in.


Switching may not be as easy as it seems. Although I thought it will be simplistic, but it is not. One thing that hinders the process of switching to a totally different career must be attributed to the niche industry I am in. Strange as it is, I shouldn’t blame anyone for working in such niche industry, since I am the one chose to pursue this as my education because it is niche.  Irony right?


 Another problem when switching should be the potential of suffering a pay cut. My husband asked if I am prepared for a pay cut and I ponders for a while and replied “not really”. At 28, suffering a pay cut isn’t that appealing. Really, I just don’t get it why switching career path must be equivalent to a pay cut if the previous jobs have relevant (although not 100%) experiences. Even though I don’t have any children to support financially yet, but I have got a car, a flat, bills and parents to be financial responsible. The burden can be overwhelming some at some months when servicing of car, household equipment breakdowns, being ill and other commitment to pay occurs.




I guess I have the following questions to ask myself before I commit myself to not-so-office job (what I intend to do next).


1)      The impact it will have after I switch
2)      Should I really follow my passion
3)      The skills I have earned over the last 8 years
4)      When do I intend to have a baby
5)      Will switching make things from bad to worse
6)      Will I regret


Lets hope my future directions will be clearer in the weeks to come.


Happy new year everyone!  2014 is on the way in a few more hours ;)      

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