Monday, January 27, 2014


There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “now that you can see the world, will you marry me?”The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying: “Just take care of my eyes dear.” This is how human brain changes when the status changed. Only few remember what life was before, and who’s always been there even in the most painful situations.

Taken from: avmediastudio

Friday, January 24, 2014


I am amazed that I still couldn’t get a black dress after yesterday evening few hours of browsing, trying and walking. Either the one I wanted has no size or just look weird in me. And if you sit down and think, having a little black dress is perhaps the most essential, because it can just take you practically anywhere. The obvious reason is that it is simple yet elegant.

Guess I’ll just keep trying to find my perfect little black dress then.

Friday, January 17, 2014


By Dinesh Dayani
(taken from

Published on 15 Jan, 2014

A Singaporean perspective on why we should not feel guilty about job-hopping in today’s working environment.

A lot of the people we talk to about job-hoppers speak about them with great contempt. These people are described as failures, dysfunctional and inherently defective.  They are further dismissed as bad hires with flawed personalities, destined to live out mediocre careers of limited potential.

We read a recent article on CNBC claiming that 87% of workers in Singapore expect to have new employers within the next 12 months. We are pretty sure if you exclude those who are on work passes, this number will edge even higher. Whichever way you look at it, this is a staggering figure.

However, we don’t necessarily think that this is a bad thing. Employers increasingly claim Singapore is a pampered and smothered nation, filled with lousy workers. Employees constantly complain about their bosses and their pay packets. Hence, there are more reasons than ever to have a mercenary-type mindset.

1.    Loyalty does not pay, anymore

Loyalty to companies is an outdated ideology that does not work anymore. Workers often feel bereft of advancement opportunities as new hires come in to take positions above them that they feel they can fill. It is frustrating teaching new employees under your management how to do their job, it’s infinitely worse teaching your new manager on how he or she is suppose to do their job.

People increasingly see their hard work and overtime in under-paying jobs rewarded with bigger expectations of how they can contribute more. They are often passed up for promotions and given more work as their stints within the company increase. If they are unlucky (or lucky depending on how you see it), they get laid off during times of bad years.

Bosses prioritise loyalty to profit margins over employees in tough times. Gone are the days of roughing it out together or getting a golden handshake after giving your best years to an employer. Even companies likeSingTel are finding ways to terminate long serving staff with more creative ways to offer minimal gratitude. Read this article on how workers were “moved” to a Chinese business partner. We can’t afford a legal team so we will just leave you to decide on what this move actually means.

Progressively, bosses are moving towards hiring contract staff that do not get any work benefits and are treated like second-class employees in their own companies. So why should employees show loyalty in return? It makes more sense to show yourself some loyalty, to go after jobs that you want, that pays a fair salary that commensurate with the high cost of living in Singapore and not the salary asked from workers in other Asian countries. To get a job where you can actually spend time with your partner, your children and your parents.

Most importantly, get a job where your bosses actually appreciate having you in the team.

There are also the delusional bosses who think they run the best companies in the world, and that you should be thankful for the opportunity to work for their company. They think they are creating jobs for the local economy while hiring the maximum number of foreigners they are legally allowed to.  They’re also out of touch with young people and make remarks that sink morale in every member of their staff.

Under these bosses, you get no job satisfaction; and you actually get annoyed a lot, and feel claustrophobic even with your Marina Bay view at the desk of your 27th floor office.

 2. Job hoppers are go-getters, quite a few of them

Being a job-hopper comes with many perks. You’ve acquired a quick wit after being put into many background cross-examinations by potential employers. You’re always learning fresh things and meeting new people. You feel reassured when you meet your school mates who are still stuck in the same old job with the same lousy work terms after four years of selling their souls and putting in hours of unpaid overtime at their company, which is also, coincidentally, the company they hate the most in this world.

People who are willing to switch up jobs just when it gets comfortable are risk-takers and go-getters. Bosses should want them in their teams. Rather than getting someone who doesn’t mind being stagnated in life, isn’t it better to get a person who wants to constantly be forward moving in his or her career? Wouldn’t you want that type of personality in your company? Someone who takes initiative in his or her life. Or as what we like to call them: outstanding workers.

3.    Generation Y workers – chasing dreams, and having strength

Another reason why more and more workers are staying in jobs for shorter and shorter durations are because young people are not afraid to chase their dreams now. The younger generation want more than just well paying and stable jobs, they want jobs they enjoy.

They also want jobs where they learn, become better workers, meet new people, work in dynamic projects and the rest on the list. Gen Y workers grew up having it all, and want more. This may appear as a demanding trait but it should not be seen as a flaw. Instead it’s having the strength and character to reach for your dream, and when a worker has that kind of ambition, he or she will put in their best effort in everything they do.

Bosses should strive to have such ambitious workers (outstanding workers) because these are people who will want to challenge themselves and how work is traditionally done. So don’t tell them to accept the same old HR policies that have been in place for the past 20 years, because all they really want to do is to make it better. Be it at your company (ideally), or elsewhere.

They want their work to be an experience of self-fulfillment over the traditional role of money worshipping. That’s not to mean they’re any less committed, they want to have the freedom to do the best job they can instead of committing their working lives to be “yes”-men to please their bosses and be subservient to them. Good bosses will know the difference.

 4.    Nature of the times we live in

This is perhaps the only reason where strength of character doesn’t come to the fore in the short life span of a worker being in a job.

In modern times, more and more people are being offered contract jobs doing very specific roles that do not have shelf lives beyond their contract period. It does not guarantee a permanent job, and workers are left to find new employment after their contracts. This takes us back to the “Loyalty does not pay” point earlier.

We are also living in a time that is good for Asia, and where unemployment is vastly lower than in Europe or the USA. The unemployment rate in Singapore is at 1.8% right now, so the current generation does not feel as blessed to have a job as much as our parents or grandparents did, or even fellow workers in Europe and America.

Gen Y workers here want more than jobs and careers, they want passion and fulfillment in their jobs and careers.


All that said, the modern worker must remain relevant, resourceful and effective. Because of their long resumes, hirers have some validity in questioning their commitment. They must avoid falling into the trap of being considered as a difficult person to work with, or someone who has shoddy work attitude.

Also, logically, as a boss, you will resist filling your entire staff with people who are “flight risks”. Sure a couple of mavericks littered here and there could work wonders, but the dangers of high attrition rates at the office can have negative impacts on morale, office stability and consistency of work.

There are many positives and some persisting negative in being a standout job-hopper, and bosses should start seeing the benefits of having such employees as well. These worldly workers could turn out to be better hirers for their employers with their broad based experience, various skillsets, familiarity with the industry, its challenges and inner workings as well as the network of people they know. And relevant bosses will be able to tap into these reservoirs of insight to get the best out of this new breed of highly driven workers instead of always bemoaning the job-hopping culture and constantly critisising such people.




As age grows, I tend to understand myself better than before. I was a typical introvert, upgraded to an improved version of an extrovert. I used to hate the limelight, not going to stuck my neck out for anyone and don’t talk straight into a topic with a stranger. My job, which requires me to talk and mingle with international human beings, opens me up greatly. It is kind of a reversal of character suddenly. But opening up doesn’t bring a lot of happiness either, because I might have to deal with criticism, rejection and exposure to judgement. Yet, I prefer who I am now, as keeping silent will only create misunderstanding even deeper.
Once a while, I do goes back to a safe mode zone, by locking myself away. Staying in my own world in my room doing what I like to do without disturbance. With the vibrant city out there, it is good to have the silent back to cool things.
My family doesn’t feel there is an improved in character in me. When I told them I want to do a different field in career which requires lots of action and mingle with human beings, they feel I couldn’t handle it basis my character. Yes, I was disappointed, because they don’t support my ideas. They don’t see the changes in my character. To them, I will always not be a colourful as my sibling. It’s tough when nobody support what you enjoy, just because they think this is who you are in their perspective. No, I am not talking about sibling rivalry, only wish they could have understand me a bit better. Now going back to my parents’ home, aint feel like a welcoming home anymore. I am like a stranger, penetrating into their lives.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


I am an oxen. And below (one of them) clearly illustrates my character.

The Metal Element expresses structure, fixed values, strength of will and fluency of speech. The nature of Metal is to define and to strengthen. This Element symbolises clear thinking, sincerity and accuracy. Metal Element people have the gift of structure and the ability to interface easily with the outside world. Those born under Metal set and follow their goals with vigor and passion. Metal is determined and fixed, holding each sign in a position of strength by serving as a foundation. Metal Ox people work harder and more scrupulously than most people, including other Oxen. They always show a boldness and drive and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Like all Oxen, they are completely trustworthy and dependable, but they are not ones to display their emotions freely or openly. These Oxen have the strength of steel, with a will to match. Often, this strength and ruthless will make it difficult for them to identify with the feelings of others around them. However, an Ox is always willing to defend what he knows to be true and won’t give up until he has proven what he knows to be true.


The Water element gives the Ox a flexibility and liberty. Water Oxen are as hard-working as anyone, and particularly systematic, and are probably the quickest-thinking of the other elemental Oxen. They are much more prepared than the other Oxen to recognize the pints of view of others and to think about their ideas and suggestions, making them easy to work with in a business environment. They generally consider the feelings of others which makes them good room-mates or partners. In addition, their sincerity and patience ensures their popularity with friends, peers and family. The Water Ox expresses feelings, reflection and sensitivity. Symbolic of feelings and emotions. Water descends, seeks out and fills low places, especially the hearts of the disheartened and needy. Those born under the Element of Water are guided by their feelings and the need to communicate. The Water Element endows one with a lucid and quick mind; however , this element is chaos because it does not have it’s own form rather it takes shape of whatever contains it. Water Element have the ability to persuade and manipulate others and their environment. The Element of Water blesses it’s natives with a deep spiritual nature and the ability to thrive in many social situations. Those born into Water years possess the extraordinary intuition and function as a kind of spiritual barometer in this life.  


Understanding and fair, these are the least unyielding of the Oxen and the most apt to change and accept new ideas. A more liberal attitude gives them the ability to appreciate the value of being a part of a team, and other members of the team respect the high principles of the Wood Ox. They are particularly self-confident giving them an air of unspoken authority. This characteristic means that Wood Oxen are often chosen as leaders or spokespeople. They also have a shorter fuse than other Ox people, and are more likely to be outspoken or to stand up in a crowd to be heard. These Oxen are quite devoted to those they love and make strong and affectionate friends and relations. The Wood Element expresses imagination, creativity and compassion. Also represents the family and artistic theory. The nature of wood is move upwards toward the light, to spread and expand. Wood Element people have high-minded values and believe in dignity of every human being. The Element also brings cooperation, so people born under this element understand the value of teamwork and excel in organising large projects. They are progressive thinkers and far sighted in their goals and ventures. The Wood Element endows each with natural presence; however, Wood is also incendiary and capable of producing a combustible temper.


Being born under the fire sign gives these Oxen dynamic qualities. Their leadership capabilities are tremendous, and they have to desire to be in charge so they generally hold positions of status and importance at work and in the community. They are capable of being extremely objective, but these Oxen can display hot tempers, throw temper-tantrums or be unusually impulsive in their decision-making. This can be dangerous because it may cause them to brush aside valuable ideas, discarding them before actually considering the implications associated with doing so. Even so, they tend to be loyal people. Devoutly dedicated to their family. The Fire Element expresses dynamic passion, energy, aggression and leadership. The nature of fire is to arouse, convert,consume, resolve and bring out an outcome.This Element will tend to multiply signs inborn talents and energies. Fire Element people have the gifts of leadership, passion and assertiveness. Decisive and masterful, those born under this element rarely have trouble making decisions  and the attract others with their strong and radiant personalities. Fire Element souls have an abundance of energy that produces impatience. The movement of Fire is rapid and can consume one’s energies if not properly balanced with relaxation and moderation. This Element also represents the ability to be decisive, to lead and to act spontaneously without forethought. Fire punctuates each sign with an exclamation mark!


The most reliable and diligent Oxen belong to this collection of Oxen. The Earth element balances many of their negative characteristics. These Oxen are show good judgement, a good characteristic for successful financial dealings. Other people tend to look up to Earth Oxen because of their reliability, sincerity and their modest ambitions. They are willing to tackle the workload when it become overbearing for others and are loyal and compassionate with family and friends.  The Earth Element expresses stability, reliability and common sense. The nature of Earth is to ”ground,” to keep whole, and to preserve. The Earth is symbolic of the mother’s protected womb of peace and safety. Those born under the Earth Element are both practical and industrious. They have exceptional powers of organisation and are competent masterminds and executives. Honest, serious and conservative, Earth Element people are capable of making wise decisions. 

 Taken from 'My Eden Project'