Friday, January 17, 2014


As age grows, I tend to understand myself better than before. I was a typical introvert, upgraded to an improved version of an extrovert. I used to hate the limelight, not going to stuck my neck out for anyone and don’t talk straight into a topic with a stranger. My job, which requires me to talk and mingle with international human beings, opens me up greatly. It is kind of a reversal of character suddenly. But opening up doesn’t bring a lot of happiness either, because I might have to deal with criticism, rejection and exposure to judgement. Yet, I prefer who I am now, as keeping silent will only create misunderstanding even deeper.
Once a while, I do goes back to a safe mode zone, by locking myself away. Staying in my own world in my room doing what I like to do without disturbance. With the vibrant city out there, it is good to have the silent back to cool things.
My family doesn’t feel there is an improved in character in me. When I told them I want to do a different field in career which requires lots of action and mingle with human beings, they feel I couldn’t handle it basis my character. Yes, I was disappointed, because they don’t support my ideas. They don’t see the changes in my character. To them, I will always not be a colourful as my sibling. It’s tough when nobody support what you enjoy, just because they think this is who you are in their perspective. No, I am not talking about sibling rivalry, only wish they could have understand me a bit better. Now going back to my parents’ home, aint feel like a welcoming home anymore. I am like a stranger, penetrating into their lives.

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