Monday, March 24, 2014


I started on golf with the influence on some peer pressure from the office colleagues in addition to because my husband (shortcut – hub) want to try it out. To me, I was never really impressed by the driving range even when I went to the range with my sister a few times. To stand there and swing, was never something interest me. Addition to the discontentment of the driving range, I must admit the expensive of the game turn me off. Then again, since my hub pester me to try out the game with him, I oblige.

So yes, after a few to-and-fro calls with the coach we decided to engage, it is confirmed. 10 lessons at Bishan driving range – my hub and I.

We woke up late so have to rush to the range without purchasing golf gloves. We purchased 50 balls each and off we go. The coach handed us a male/female iron 7. As to what I understand, irons are the most common type of club with number most common at 3 to 9, the higher the number, the higher the loft. That’s all I know from my 1st lesson about iron. Other than that, I think hub iron is better looking then mine -.-''

Then we were taught on the 3 steps standing postures. Coach drew on the green with a line and a curve. Feet, knees, hips, forearms, shoulders and eyes should be positioned parallel to the target line. The feet is shoulder lined with the iron that I am using. Weight should be balanced on the balls of the feet, not on the heels or toes. Knees should be slightly flexed and directly over the balls of your feet for balance. Then I swing... wooosh... the ball fly to 50m. Next, the coach drop a 10 cent coin and want us to hit it instead of using the ball. I failed for 3 times and succeed right after. Then, back to more swing training.

An hour of lesson, all my fingers are sore from the grip of the clubs. We purchased our gloves before heading off. $37 each and my heart bled. Wait till I get my own golf set... =(

Overall, it was a hard game. Wrong posture and my ball flew in a bizarre direction. But when I had a good swing and the ball landed at 50m, I smile (easily contented). Hub was better in distance, although he started out badly. I think his best was 75m. However, coach did say because he is tall (184cm), he has the distance advantage.

Now I cant wait for my 2nd lesson.

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