Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I was back from Bangkok and the thai govt has decided to instill Marshall Law just a day I return. So I have researched and found out that Marshall Law = is the imposition of military power over designated regions on an emergency basis. But really, 4 days in Bangkok, I didn’t see any demonstrations or riots or even any police patrolling around outside the shopping malls. Then again, safety is the top priority and given that we have registered with MFA, receiving updates everyday was assuring enough.
Anyway, that’s not my purpose of this post today. I am trying to dedicate this post to my returning flight back to Singapore – Scoot Singapore (TZ301).
We took Scoot (got promotion). I wasn’t very happy with Scoot when they changed my flight which shorten my overall trip. And while we are in Thailand, trying to log online to upsize our luggage capacity for check-in was a hassle as well. We have to call and buy through phone. The charges was expensive too. Compare to Air Asia which I took to Thailand 2 years ago, Scoot aint friendly and has many improving to do. Not happy with the customer service person who talk to me too. She was rude and sound impatience. I haven’t even finish talking and she hung me up. Forgot to ask for her name. Grrr…
My impression with them change while on the flight back. There are several passengers having a tough time trying to find their seats. Simply because they (the passengers) mixed up their own tickets and have a slight commotion finding those seats. The flight attendant was patience though, requesting them to go to a corner and help sort out their tickets. Everything (the noise from the commotion) settled down within 5 mins.
Then during the landing, the air craft met several turbulence which prevents the plane land. A few times, the plane was shaking heavily. I was scare undeniably. The thought of the recent Malaysian airline surfaced in my thoughts. At that point of time, I knew how scare the passengers in the Malaysian air craft gets. The feeling was vulnerable. With excellent flight control from the plane Captain, we landed safety. HOORAY!! That very minute, I thank God. Of course, I thank the plane Captain for such good handling of the plane in such distress moment which gets us to safety.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Tuesday was a public holiday in Singapore so sis, hb & I went to Mandai for golf. FML, I got stung by a bee 3 times  on the same right thigh yet I never knew anything about it. At first, it was a little blue black so I told my sister I must have swung my driver too hard that I hit myself.
Next day woke up for work, my right thigh was swollen and itchy. I woke hb up but nothing he can help. I went to the doctor and to work afterthat. So the swollen got worse and in a bigger patch. Can you imagine the swollen area was measured about 3 cm and become 10cm in the afternoon. You can practically imagine how I drop my jaw. The itchiness was up from level 1 to level 4. I went back to the clinic again. This time, I was prescribe a heavier dose with a possible effect of drowsiness. Had the medicine at 9pm and drowsy at 11pm.
Although I was given MC, I still come to office. Now the itch is like level 5 and pain subside to level 3 from level 5. Had the medicine at 930am and only now I started to feel sleepy at 1130am.
Hope it will get better because I am flying to Thailand tomorrow. Cannot wear shorts also because the 3 bites are slightly above my knee. People might thought I got disease or something. Worse still, I ate prawn last night which I don’t think I can. Guess no seafood for me when I am in Thailand. SAD MAX. Googled and I was told bee stung need about 2 weeks to heal =(

OK, got 3 of them but I cant take all 3 because one is a the side . the red spots are the posion spot while the swollen area are light pink surrounding the red spot. you can see my flesh is basically higher then the normal area.