Thursday, May 15, 2014


Tuesday was a public holiday in Singapore so sis, hb & I went to Mandai for golf. FML, I got stung by a bee 3 times  on the same right thigh yet I never knew anything about it. At first, it was a little blue black so I told my sister I must have swung my driver too hard that I hit myself.
Next day woke up for work, my right thigh was swollen and itchy. I woke hb up but nothing he can help. I went to the doctor and to work afterthat. So the swollen got worse and in a bigger patch. Can you imagine the swollen area was measured about 3 cm and become 10cm in the afternoon. You can practically imagine how I drop my jaw. The itchiness was up from level 1 to level 4. I went back to the clinic again. This time, I was prescribe a heavier dose with a possible effect of drowsiness. Had the medicine at 9pm and drowsy at 11pm.
Although I was given MC, I still come to office. Now the itch is like level 5 and pain subside to level 3 from level 5. Had the medicine at 930am and only now I started to feel sleepy at 1130am.
Hope it will get better because I am flying to Thailand tomorrow. Cannot wear shorts also because the 3 bites are slightly above my knee. People might thought I got disease or something. Worse still, I ate prawn last night which I don’t think I can. Guess no seafood for me when I am in Thailand. SAD MAX. Googled and I was told bee stung need about 2 weeks to heal =(

OK, got 3 of them but I cant take all 3 because one is a the side . the red spots are the posion spot while the swollen area are light pink surrounding the red spot. you can see my flesh is basically higher then the normal area.


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