Thursday, July 7, 2016


30 June

So my sister started the car. its about time to head to the clinic for the lasik surgery. i wanted to back up. yes, i am serious. the nerve gets into me suddenly. i started to worry things. worry about the essential and the non-essential things. then, a friend texted me..."are you on your way? dont worry la, you will have clear vision soon. then you will know this is the best decision you have made." so, i plucked up the courage and the journey begins...


the counter nurse advised that i will be the 2nd person for the day for the lasik. it kind of calm me down a bit since i can have enough preparation of what it is like for the 1st person. another comforting sight to know is there are a total of 4 person undergoing the same procedures as me today. i heard stories that there are clinics whereby due to overwhelming patients, patients are going into the surgery room 5 mins per patients. it resembled sardine lined up to be packed into cans. the feelings wasnt really nice. so to know that there are only 4 patients doing the surgery wasnt that bad afterall. and the best part is... i am not the 1st person to do the procedure :)


nurses just finish explaining all the eyedrops which we need to administer after the surgery and same to be done when we are at home. she explained on the emergency procedures as well. if the contact lens that will be placed onto our eye fall out, then we need to head to A&E for emergency procedures. so i guess i need to make sure the lens arent dry enough to be fall out then. VERY important - the nurse said again. 


Made payment to the entire procedures. Goodbye $3600. 


my name was called. i was dressed into the surgery rode, hair cap and shoes cover. the nurse helped to drip 2 drops of numbing eye drops into my eyes. i am practically shaking at this point. i asked the nurse several times..."you sure it will be a painless and quick surgery right?" HAHA. i was praying silently. then the door opened and the 1st patient came out of her surgery, and off i went. 


the nurse double confirm my name and birth date. i was asked to lied on the operation bed. i was damn scared!! haha!! i grabbed onto the operation robes sides and kept looking around. the doctor said a calm "dont worry, is a very quick procedure. no pain." the doctor hold onto my head and then i looked at the green dot, the laser begins. of course, after getting my eye lash clamped. it hurt a bit though. but bearable. i mean the clamp. laser itself wasnt painful. thank god! it was also very helpful that the doctor was counting down. i focus on my breathing the whole time. it was really amazed that the whole laser was done within about 30 second per eye. after both eyes were done, the doctor asked me to sit up and turn me to one side. "look over there and smile" A nurse was holding an ipad and taking photo of us. LMAO! i was usher out to the dark room to rest. 


left the clinic. i have to hold onto my sister with my cap and sunglass on. the sunlight was really glaring. i barely could open my eyes. i slept in the car while heading home. my eyes were tired. i could walk around the house with not much difficulties. i dont feel the need to hide in a dark room. so far, everything seems like a positive note for my eyes, because i saw a few reviews that they need to hide in a dark room after reaching home. i slept for abut 2 hours then search for food. HAHA. i guess the eyes need food to heal. 


so far, no dry eyes ... no pain ... no bitter sensation when i drip the 4 eye drops :) 

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