Monday, October 3, 2016

WEEK 17 - DAY 3

I haven't really announce officially in this space, but yup, today is week 17 day 3 :)

1st trimester was bad but not real bad except 4 weeks of nausea, 2 weeks of puking and 1 day of hospital drama for drips. in a way, unlike other soon to be mom who puke everyday for many weeks, my horrible puking only lasted for 2 weeks, which turn out to be the same as my mom when she was pregnant with me. thank god! and thank you baby in the womb for making my life tough but with a little leeway. it was slightly difficult emotionally because the husband wasn't around except weekends. but luckily, I know he is always contactable through phone if anytime I needed some emotional support.

2nd trimester was a breeze. I started eating a lot and my energy bar maxing out. I can work more, walk more, shop more and laugh more. husband is still not around except the weekends but I am feeling better emotionally because the energy make me be able to do more of what I wanted to do. so he being not around wasn't much impact as compared to the 1st trimester. everything sounded good except this one thing attacking me right now which I didn't expect it to be so soon - round ligament pain. the pain was intense. 10am since yesterday, the pain begin, especially when I walk. nope, not getting any better. asked mr google and it says it is common to experience round ligament pain after week 17. WAA MAN THANK YOU HOR I JUST START WEEK 17 YOU START GIVE ME THIS GIFT. -.-

haiz, the husband going to Nepal soon for 3 weeks and uncontactable. lets hope this new journey will be smooth. PLS COOPERATE WITH ME AH BABY!

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