Saturday, March 4, 2017

WEEK 39 – DAY 1

Just when I was telling the baby it is time to come out yesterday, today gynae checkup gave me a shock.

“Baby might be here tonight or tomorrow since you’re 2-3cm dilated”

AWWWW…!!!! That’s how I screamed inside me. I can hear the husband making a sound outside as well. He was excited and nervous, with a big grin on his face. I wasn’t excited, after having the doctor checking my cervix the very first time. He practically put his finger or fingers to measure the dilation. It was not super painful, but more of a discomfort. I was squashing my face in an awkward manner. Squashing it even more when he said he is going to stretch it a little bit more. I tried to be less tense so the muscle down there will not be so tight to be painful, wasn’t helping much I guess. It bled for hours after that which the doctor pre-warns me saying it is absolutely normal. So I just let it bled.

So yup… admission is done and money paid. All I do now is to wait.

So is it today or tomorrow =) Baby, you can decide =)

Friday, March 3, 2017

WEEK 38 - DAY 7

Nope. No sign of him wanting to come out. Probably just some contraction here and there, which is similar to pulling and pushing pressure in the stomach area. Stomach getting heavier and walking now seems a tad bit of difficult compare to before.

The common water retention also started happening to me few days ago. For example, swollen fingers and swollen feet. Mom says mine is mild since there are people who really have very swollen fingers and feet. Mine probably just cant fit into my wedding ring. Covered shoes seems fine still. So I am lucky.

Everything now is well prepared for his arrival. His name, his cot, his diapers, his milk formula, his tiny clothes, the breast pump, the toy to entertain him and the milk bottles are all brought and pack nicely.

The only thing that is not prepared well enough should be the new mummy emotional/physical/mental wellbeing. It is not about the anxiety of taking care of a newborn, but more of the delivery process. As this is the 1st baby, delivery time is usually quite long. And then there is the contraction pain which everyone rave about how un-tolerate it is. And then the side effect of having epidural such as shivering and vomiting. And then the sewing up of tear vagina hole. And then there is the going to toilet pee for the first time if not nurse/doctor will not allow you to discharge. All these, is if I can successfully go for a natural delivery. What if i develop something unexpected and c-sec need to be done. That’s another thing to worry. After all these, next will be the concern of sore nipples, engorgement, flappy tummy, losing of hair and perhaps also the start of sleepless nights.

My mom told me the night before that woman body are build amazingly with function for bringing child to life. The body are able to take the stress for carrying a full term baby 9-10 months and recover back the way it is. But it takes time. So patience is key here. The body might not feel as perfect as before giving birth to a child, but well, I will try to make it as perfect as it can be through regular exercise to strengthen back the loose ligaments/muscles/fats.

So for now, dear baby. Daddy and Mummy is waiting for your arrival. Is time to come out and play =)