Saturday, March 4, 2017

WEEK 39 – DAY 1

Just when I was telling the baby it is time to come out yesterday, today gynae checkup gave me a shock.

“Baby might be here tonight or tomorrow since you’re 2-3cm dilated”

AWWWW…!!!! That’s how I screamed inside me. I can hear the husband making a sound outside as well. He was excited and nervous, with a big grin on his face. I wasn’t excited, after having the doctor checking my cervix the very first time. He practically put his finger or fingers to measure the dilation. It was not super painful, but more of a discomfort. I was squashing my face in an awkward manner. Squashing it even more when he said he is going to stretch it a little bit more. I tried to be less tense so the muscle down there will not be so tight to be painful, wasn’t helping much I guess. It bled for hours after that which the doctor pre-warns me saying it is absolutely normal. So I just let it bled.

So yup… admission is done and money paid. All I do now is to wait.

So is it today or tomorrow =) Baby, you can decide =)