Monday, March 14, 2011


Can you believe it?

Police released a list of the top 10 retail outlets with the highest number of shop theft cases in 2010.

Mustafa Centre had 570 cases
Giant at Jurong East Street 21 with 102 cases
Giant Tampines at North Drive 2 with 92 cases
FairPrice at Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3 with 86 cases
Sheng Siong at Chin Swee Road with 40 cases
John Little Sales Events at Singapore EXPO with 37 cases
Prime Supermarket at Woodlands Avenue 6 with 35 cases
Cold Storage at Yishun Ave 2 with 34 cases
Cold Storage at Marine Parade with 34 cases
Cold Storage at Orchard with 32 cases

I feel, not only does the retail store need to be wary; shoppers like us have to be extra careful too. Because we might never knows if we will be the target for these shoplifter too.

Monday, March 7, 2011


"When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.” =========

Sharon's sent me this today...

Thursday, March 3, 2011


The man and woman caught on CCTV stealing STOMPer uger's shoes were none other than her next-door neighbours, who are husband and wife. The man even left with an entire rack of shoes.

In the first video, the man was seen loitering outside the unit with a cigarette in his mouth, before making away with a whole rack of shoes.

In another video, a woman was seen grabbing a pair of sports shoes before entering a unit in the condominium.

Said the STOMPer:

"The man and the woman are husband and wife and they are my immediate neighbours, living right next door to me at Evergreen Park.

"Since they moved here, they were not happy that we had a shoe rack mounted on the wall outside our unit. My husband took it down, but they were still not happy that we left some of our belongings outside our unit, telling us that since they bought a corridor unit, the corridor and the wall belongs to them, even though we did not place our things in front of their apartment.

"The woman stole our shoes but as for the guy, we found our shoe rack at the recycle bin on the ground floor.

"When we made a police report, the woman said she was drunk when stole our shoes."

I saw this report from Stomp today and was amazed at how neighbours attack another neighbor childishly. I am worried definitely, that my future neighbours will be this nasty to live with. I told char that I intend to place the shoe rack inside the house just beside the door, but he said because of fengshui, shoe rack should be place outside the house. I agree though, but have second thoughts after I saw this report. Think I got to find a way to 和睦相处with my neighbours in future.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I have been getting quite fed up about my career for the longest time. It is really stupid to have such thought and still doing what I am doing. If you ever asked me if I wanted to switch my line, yes and I have this thought as long as I can remember. But I lack the courage to do so perhaps I worry about the comfort zone after I change. In Chinese, there is this saying which suits me the best describing my current situation, ‘有心无力’。

I retook my ‘O’ level English examinations last year and got the result late January. I was a D7 student 5 years ago, and after thinking and thinking through, I signed up to retake my English. Almost everyday after work, I will locked myself up in the room and do past year papers. I was super tense when I have to have my oral again in a classroom. I was even tenser when I was the 2nd last because my surname starts with a letter ‘T’. To read like a student and to read the passage with rhythm and tone, it was hard. The picture was even harder when I haven’t described pictures for as long as 5 years. I felt like a student again, and don’t know why, I was happy. Before I left the room, the examiner said I did well and should be able to pass. I will never forget the kind of butterflies getting cramped inside my stomach after their compliments. Subsequently, paper 1 and 2 I clear with no difficulties except words that I don’t know, I imagine. Just one slight issue, my nose bled when I almost complete my paper 1. I was just too nervous. AND YES, I cleared my English with a C5. I am not only happy but… totally thrilled!

Now I have the option to switch to a government job since I cleared my English. I tried applying for teacher 3 years back but got rejected because of an obvious D7, now I got a chance to reprove the authority that I have what it takes after so many years. Char wanted me to try because if we have kids in the future, my time will be more flexible to take care of the kids. Additionally, it will be closer to our home and travelling distance will be shorter too which saves my money and time. But I … I am scared of the lifelong commitment with the students. Then, I have to go back to school with examinations for a year with NIE. Apply or not apply…? Should I just try?

There are restrictions this year due to marriage and Europe trip which makes decision making difficult. Oh god, what should I do? Then again, another opportunity opens for me. One of my ex-colleagues who went over another shipping company wants me to join her since her company is currently employing what I am doing at the moment – Post Fixture. The salary and bonus level is quite attractive even though the benefit is way below what I am enjoying right now. The route to that office from home (Punggol or Serangoon) is not as straightforward as I have right now. Currently, the circle line aids the journey to office smooth, but next time, I have to transfer from train to bus before reaching the office. Char thought I should try, since the salary is really attractive, a few hundreds more of what I am getting presently. That’s my pondering part too, as I have been a bit unbalance to what this company is paying me. The increment and bonus is something too dreadful to think about it.

I made a promise in my blog that I will stay here for a few years, probably after having my first kid. But reality is cruel somehow. How can I not jump to the opportunity of higher pay? Guess I will update my resume.

PS: Think I got pre-wedding depression which makes me hate getting married so much at present. This certainly worsen my temper for the last 3 weeks. I am learning to cope and accept the fact Char will be my one and only for another 46 days later.