Thursday, March 3, 2011


The man and woman caught on CCTV stealing STOMPer uger's shoes were none other than her next-door neighbours, who are husband and wife. The man even left with an entire rack of shoes.

In the first video, the man was seen loitering outside the unit with a cigarette in his mouth, before making away with a whole rack of shoes.

In another video, a woman was seen grabbing a pair of sports shoes before entering a unit in the condominium.

Said the STOMPer:

"The man and the woman are husband and wife and they are my immediate neighbours, living right next door to me at Evergreen Park.

"Since they moved here, they were not happy that we had a shoe rack mounted on the wall outside our unit. My husband took it down, but they were still not happy that we left some of our belongings outside our unit, telling us that since they bought a corridor unit, the corridor and the wall belongs to them, even though we did not place our things in front of their apartment.

"The woman stole our shoes but as for the guy, we found our shoe rack at the recycle bin on the ground floor.

"When we made a police report, the woman said she was drunk when stole our shoes."

I saw this report from Stomp today and was amazed at how neighbours attack another neighbor childishly. I am worried definitely, that my future neighbours will be this nasty to live with. I told char that I intend to place the shoe rack inside the house just beside the door, but he said because of fengshui, shoe rack should be place outside the house. I agree though, but have second thoughts after I saw this report. Think I got to find a way to 和睦相处with my neighbours in future.

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