Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I got stopped by mrt security guards again when I am running after the train (as always, wake up late for work). When the guards opened my bag and saw it books, they apologize and I walk away without expression. It’s two times to date, and I sounded like I am getting used to it already. Told my colleagues when I reached office, and they suggest I add more colors on my bag (my bag is total black and is huge) or I just hang my pink IC around my neck (-.- !!!)

It is not a crime to study and put books in my huge black bag!!! Obviously I can’t shout that to the security guards as they are doing their jobs, so I just shouted inside me. ONLY I know… hahaha!

Monday, June 24, 2013


3 more lessons and I’ve completed my Korean basic level 1.

Although I have finished Korean basic level 2 in the CC, in fact, I feel I learnt more when I’m with this language school. Even though the teacher wasn’t as strict as the one in CC, but Kang 선생님 easy-going attitude makes the whole class learnt more. I guess 2 lessons per week did help too, as you won’t tend to forget what you have learnt that quickly.

So, congratulations to myself, as I am soon going to succeed Korean basic level 1 (smile wide!) and going to basic level 2 (clap clap). Now I can read words and pronounce them as accurate as it suppose to. I am so going to a doraebang and sing some k-pop! (HAHA)

Anyway, recently I got addicted to one Korean drama – The Innocent Man. Initially, I saw the drama because of Song Joong Ki and Lee Kwang Soo. But now, as the story progress, I am addicted to the content.
The plot:
Smart and promising medical student Kang Ma-ru has been in love all his life with his slightly older next-door neighbor Han Jae-hee, a television reporter. He is an adoring boyfriend and she always considered Ma-ru her home. But when her situation takes a turn for the worse and Jae-hee becomes desperate to escape poverty, she meets a man who changes everything—a rich CEO who introduces her to a life of comfort. So she turns her back on Ma-ru, choosing money over love.
The brutal betrayal leaves Ma-ru fractured—not just angry, but a completely changed man. A few years later, Ma-ru is now 30 years old and works as a bartender and gigolo, no longer a "nice guy." He then meets Seo Eun-gi, a young heiress who's being groomed to take over her father's conglomerate. Eun-gi is cold and calculating, business-savvy, and raised by her father to never show emotion to anyone. But Ma-ru intrigues her, and she becomes curious until she can’t stop thinking about him.
Ma-ru decides to take advantage of her as a pawn in his plans for revenge, and Eun-gi falls in love with him, not knowing that he’s using her to get back at his ex Jae-hee, who happens to be Eun-gi's young, gold-digging stepmother. Just when Ma-ru is beginning to genuinely care for Eun-gi, she finds out the truth and they break up. But a car accident causes Eun-gi to lose her memory, and she enters Ma-ru's life again.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Haze is very bad in Singapore nowadays. The burnt smell is everywhere, including the inside of the house, subway stations and … basically everywhere. Although to some countries is common, but in Singapore, not at all.  
It is a common sight to see people wearing masks no matter where you go. It seems to be a trend (haha).

Let’s hope the haze will go away soon.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I am now studying up to Korean level 1 chapter 4. Which means… I have finished the ‘restaurant’ chapter. (happy!) I can’t wait to go Korean restaurant and order food. Hub promised to bring me to Korea next year. Although my parents brought me there many years ago, I don’t mind to go again since I started the language. I have to use it somehow, or it will really be a waste of money.  

I guess today saeng-sae-nim will teach chapter 5 ‘shopping’.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I tried the Dry Ginger Ale finally last Friday and am super regretful.  

Articles from the internet said that Ginger ale, as with other ginger products, is often used as a home remedy to alleviate indigestion or motion sickness, or to relieve and to soothe coughs and sore throats. Studies on its effectiveness as an anti-emetic have produced mixed results, with most finding that ginger extract will relieve symptoms of nausea. 
But why it don’t work exactly like what it said on me?? WHYYYYYY!!! 

It was extremely gassy. I open the cap and let it stand for 30 minutes until I no longer hear the sizzling sound before consuming it. It tasted like sprite, and I was enjoying the sweetness and a slight ginger flavor of it. I felt my stomach began the gassy bloatedness and slowly after, my lungs seem to clock up air. Then I can feel slight pain on my right lung. I tried to burp the gas out.  

Few hours after, the pain in the right lung intensifies. So I use the tactic I learnt from yoga to try breathing the air out rapidly. Then, I asked hub to rub his hands real hot and rub the lung area, hoping to ease the pain. Stomach continues to be bloated with many gas that either got stuck somewhere in my respiratory tube or pass out a little when I clear my bowel. I went to sleep afterthat.  

Next day, I was glad my lung no longer hurts although it does feel a little sore. Unfortunately, my stomach still feels extremely bloated with gas.  

Anyway, it goes fine after 3 days. I am so not going to try this drink again. I have to learn not being adventurous from now on.   

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


My colleague is in her 1st trimester and she horribly having the effect of being nauseous. So I helped her to source in Google to find out the best method to prevent nauseous. I am usually helpful you see… (haha!), as in, sometimes I do get nauseous too whenever I am having my anxiety attacks. Then I saw one particular website, quoted saying ...

Sprite,7up, and ginger ale are all good for the flu they help with nausea and also help your stomach settle by neutralizing some of the acid in your stomach.”

I am so gonna try it later ;)) of course, introducing to my colleague as well.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Amazingly, surprisingly...

I was being stop by the MRT security guard when I got into the train station at Explanade. My big black backpack did that trigger that I thought it will never be me. It's was too big not to be notice when I got files and books from my Korean school. When I opened my bag and told her it was books, she was ashamed (from her expression) and let me go within that 10 seconds.

I am not criticizing that she stop me, I am just surprise that I have been bringing this huge backpack for a month everyday with my Korean textbook and files, walking pass her and she only check me now. I just find it funny that's all. Ok, she is only doing her job.

Now I begin to wonder how these security guards target people to check bags. Then from my observation, it seems like they only checking bags that are big, certain race and when people are avoiding them. But seriously, is this the right checklist to begin with?

Anyway, tomorrow I will walk pass her again. Lets see if she stop me. Haha!!!