Thursday, June 6, 2013


Amazingly, surprisingly...

I was being stop by the MRT security guard when I got into the train station at Explanade. My big black backpack did that trigger that I thought it will never be me. It's was too big not to be notice when I got files and books from my Korean school. When I opened my bag and told her it was books, she was ashamed (from her expression) and let me go within that 10 seconds.

I am not criticizing that she stop me, I am just surprise that I have been bringing this huge backpack for a month everyday with my Korean textbook and files, walking pass her and she only check me now. I just find it funny that's all. Ok, she is only doing her job.

Now I begin to wonder how these security guards target people to check bags. Then from my observation, it seems like they only checking bags that are big, certain race and when people are avoiding them. But seriously, is this the right checklist to begin with?

Anyway, tomorrow I will walk pass her again. Lets see if she stop me. Haha!!!

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