Monday, June 30, 2014


I started something in the beginning of June, and ended it in end of June as well. Should have push on, but thinking long term, it doesn’t benefit me at all. Anyway, family members don’t support me on this as well so everytime I say I am doing this, they shake their head. Demoralizing huh.

Standing was long hours, hands kept working with cold water (frequent immersion in cold water can suffered from rheumatoid arthritis) and colleagues are loud/aggressive. Money was little. 

Those were the bad points.

The good ones, are basically the servicing of customers. It was really nice when you pack their drinks and say thank you. They smile back or sometimes, strike a small conversation.

Perhaps I am better being a customer. OR perhaps I am not suitable for such environment. However, I worked in Hans Café before and the environment is much friendlier. At least, the staff don’t chit-chat so loud that the person taking the orders have to kept asking customers to repeat themselves.

If you have guess it right, yes, I have a short stint at Koi Café in the East. If you see me before, most of the time I am packing the drinks and saying “thank you and have a nice day”. 

Now I wonder what  is my next adventure =)

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