Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Just 2 more weeks and I am turning 29. If I am fortunate to only live till 60, I’ve already live half of my life.
At this age, I started noticing changes in my body. I used to have 100% energy level, but now I rated it as 70%. I am no longer as active as before. Instead of going out with friends, I rather go for dinner or stay at home watching videos. The number of times heading to the gym decreases as well. From 4 times a week to only 1 or 2 times a week.
Teeth/Gum aint strong as before also. Digestive system likewise getting slightly weaker.
My skin become drier then formerly. It just seems like the elasticity of my skin tumbles from a 100% to a 70%.
My face is not as radiance as it used to be. I never have the habit of putting sunblock because the oiliness is just not what I am looking for. To me, the oiliness creates unwanted pimples on my face. Then I love the sun. I can stand there and let the sun shine onto me. Research says the sun has Vitamin E. The disadvantages of this  at age 29, freckles slowly appearing. Pimples that comes and goes but left a dark pigmentation on the face. Pores become larger. Everything all sound so-not-good.
So now, in order to prevent extra obvious aging to my already negative list, I started pouring money into skin care, expensive facial, moisturizing hand or leg cream and my latest invested product… collagen consumption. Does it really works? Honestly, I don’t know.
Friends and families told me how important collagen for female because female produce less collagen than men and collagen is gradually losing about 1% every year according to research from medical doctors. Dr. Liow Tiong Sin is an aesthetic practitioner who said this in his blog,  “Collagen is a natural protein component of the skin that acts like a frame and the main building block for cells, tissues and organs. About a third of the protein content in your body is made up of collagen, which is found in the bones, muscles, and tissues of the organs. Collagen, keratin and elastin give the skin its strength, elasticity and structure.”
For now, guess I will stick to my regime. Works a not, guess only time till tell.
Kudoos to almost a 29 years old me. Giving myself a pat on the back for walking this far.

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