Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I had my first acupuncture last Tuesday. One of the colleagues and I were researching on facial/slimming acupuncture and came across some bloggers who visited this TCM in Chinatown. after a short consultation with the doctor, the colleague went into one of the room with one of the tuina doctor for her first ever tuina, while I went into the next room for acupuncture. the purpose of my acupuncture is to improve the overall health of my body, although I must admit that was not my main motive visiting this TCM in the first place.

the first need was poked into my stomach. slight discomfort was experience after a few more needles were poked into the stomach and on my thigh. then when the doctor poked the next few needles into my feet, I screamed a little. there were electric wave and the sensation linger for quite some time. doctor say slight electric sensation and numbness experienced is normal. she continue to work fast on both of my hands and poked the last few more onto my face. since I was having my menses at that point, she skipped 2 more needles.

I lied there for 30 mins without moving, because any movements cause pain on those area where the needles were. 30 mins thereafter, there were slight pain (like ant bite) when the doctor came in to remove the needles. I walked out slowly because my feet feel a bit sore. I was given 14 days of medication to consume.

I don't know how acupuncture can help to improve my health. I will try a few more times to determine the effectiveness of it. since acupuncture started close to more than 2500 years ago in ancient china, sure it has it advantages and benefits to it. Also, it is explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as qi — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in the body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that energy flow will re-balance.

Hb once a while will complain about shoulder/neck pain, maybe I should ask him to try acupuncture.

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