Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I decided to take up Korean classes after addicted to Korean variety shows online. It was a tricky choice when selecting school. Looking at reviews online, there are a variety of choices but distance and cost stands a big factor. Friends advise me to go for the cheapest yet well-located locations to make sure the sudden interest is not just 3 minutes curiosity.

SKS & NTU ext which has good reviews are top of my list when comes to selection. CC is at one tiny part of my mind considering the distance and the ‘not just 3 minutes curiosity’ issues. 

In the end, I chose CC to experience on the curriculum and overall learning experience. I don’t want to spend so much money yet discontinue after the interest vanished.

Mdm Jang was the tutor. She was good. Although there are 30 people in the class, she will make sure everyone gets a chance to read aloud and ask questions. She did the notes herself which is easily understandable as she took the pain to add English explanation inside the book. It’s not thick, so I tend to bring it to work and flip it every time I am free. It tough really. The Hangeul pronunciation is a struggle. After the 1.5 hours of lesson, I got sore tongue and mouth. I stop Korean lessons in CC after completing basic level 2.

Ahh, its been 6 months since I stopped and the urge of wanting to learn surface again. This time I want to get serious. I want to pass TOPIK. HAHAHA!!!

I am looking for school now.  

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