Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Saw JH in the food republic while having dinner before my 1st Korean lesson in the school. It was weird at first, since we are always with colleagues. But we talked still, because it will be much weirder if we only sat and eat.

He told me he was sick for more than a week. Then I come to realize he has the same health problem as me, which sometimes the virus (which I tends to call it since it just don’t disappear) can be distracting and uncomfortable. I am an ex-gastric patient. Once the pain begins, I coil in my bed. Anyway, the rest are history and like I said, I am an ex-patient. 

It’s been a couple of years whereby I am tormented with stomach bloatedness. It is worse than gastric pain in my opinion. The bloatedness which makes me nauseous (the vomiting effect) sometimes affect my daily life. Not that I cannot function, it just that it is making me function abnormally. Such as, when there is a working lunch meeting, I could go off in the middle of it because the food makes me uncomfortable in the stomach (feeling of indigestion then wanting to vomit) which can be embarrassing. So eating out becomes a ‘stress’ factor for the reason that I must be cautious of the food I eat. 
Slowly down the road, I realized part of the reason for causing the bloatedness/nauseous feeling. Bloating = Anxiety? I realized that everytime I am tense, stress or anxiety, the nauseous feeling appears. Hence, plum is always with me wherever I go in case I need it. I did an anxiety test online; I am 47%, a moderate anxiety percentage.

There are several specific elimination method to make an anxiety person better (personal view since it works for me), such as yoga, breathing technique, herbal remedies and soothing music. There isn't a rapid cure for anxiety. The fastest ways to cure anxiety should be how one person handles it. JH agrees with me since this is what he do when he had an anxiety attack (bloatedness/nauseous). 
I guess we know each other better after yesterday dinner. Perhaps it is fate that brought us together for a meal, to let us know we are not the only one facing this problem. Never alone. And it is not a shameless thing to admit.  

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