Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Yesterday, I’ve finally made my decision.
To fly higher, to soar further.
Plucked up full courage to tender,
Plucked up full courage to sign.
At 27, energy in life must be fully charged.
I have been lethargic for 4 years already.
Just enough time to recuperate my health to be in green.
Although anxiety attacks occurs sometimes,
I just have to learn breathing deeper.
Training in Norway was necessary for the new signage company.
I have support from friends and family.
I think I am finally ready to go out to see the world.
It’s paid for so why not.   
Although I am scared because I will be alone in a cold country,
Never try never knowing.
Looking back when I am old,
No regretless will be mention.
I am ready.
I am looking forward.
Dear god, pls protect me when I am there.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


I got obsessed with BIG BANG after an episode of them in RUNNING MAN. In fact, I started to enjoy their music a while ago but didn’t take too notice of who are them. I like their high confidence in their own style, take high pride in their creativity in music and how each individual still stands out when they do their solo interest.
I like TOP the best. Humble and kind. The jawline and his electric eyes… owwwww!
(Below picture taken from   

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


^ I will be naming the title of my blog in sequence of current Korean lesson for my own tracing purpose ^
2 more lessons and I am finally completing Korean Basic Level 2. So happy >.<
Actually, I did complete my level 2 while taking lessons in the CC 2 years before. Since I forgotten most of it, I had a hard time to keep up in this level. I noticed the dragging of feet to class nowadays (which is not good) but I still go for the classes. As the classes shrink when leveling up, 70% chance of saeng-sae-nim to be calling my name and asking questions like what I did yesterday and the day before ensues. It stresses me out most of the time as I had to listen hard on the questions he asked in Korean and replied in Korean. However, I must admit I do enjoy the conversation part as it tells me where my language proficiency stands.
Just this Monday, we have completed the ‘Directions’ chapter. Turn left, turn right, go straight, behind/below and front are the most common words to use when giving directions either through driving or walking. The school is great. They did grocery maps and around-the-school maps for us to stimulate the directions. It was really interesting when classmates try to get off with when saeng-sae-nim asked how to go to a certain place and everything was go straight then goes straight. HAHAAHA!! At some point, saeng-sae-nim was so confused that he had to use his google map to track where we are heading to =D . We had lots of laughter in last night class.  
The coming lesson will be on ‘Phone calls’. I am looking forward to it.
But till now, let me brush up on my vocabulary =)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I was angry at work today.
Someone pissed me off badly.
I think I raised my voice because I couldn’t take it the way she put words into my mouth.
Shouldn’t have done that, because it seems I am weak.
But maybe I was the fact about being weak emotionally.

I could sense my heart shrank in that few minutes when I was overly-powered by anger and frustration.
Fingers shaking and I couldn’t breathe too well.
Yes, I have anxiety issues these few years.

I tried to breathe gently, to regain my posture.
I tried killing her in my heart then forgive her because she was dead.

Then she started talking again,
And I presume she turned into a zombie.
I shouldn’t be anger by a zombie, not worth it totally.
Talking to a non-living thing was a waste of effort.
Then slowly, the anger and shivering subside. I forgave her successfully.

That few minutes, my emotions seem to work like a bell-curve.

Now my gastric doesn’t seem well.
Must be the gala from just now.
Grr… I shouldn’t have flare.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I went to do volunteer work on Saturday 29/06/13. A fulfilling day; a day which shows me the poverty side of Singapore. I learnt a lot just that one day.

This guy (a friend of hub and sis) is the sponsor for the whole program on Saturday. I heard he actually raised funds through friends and family in order to do this one-time thing. The plan was to work with other volunteers in the lion befrienders program, to bring the elderly out for shopping and eating, follow by a house visitation to end the day.

There are a total of 25 volunteers pairing up with 12 elderly. We are then separated into different groups’ basis our dialect for smooth communication.  I am lucky, because I was assigned to an elderly who can speak teochew and mandarin. So throughout the trip, we do not experience language breakdowns =)

These elderly are in the program of lion befrienders. They are usually alone and living in one room flat. So elderly who can afford the rent of the entire flat have it the whole one room flat themselves, others shared the one room flat with another roommate. The room was old, but bright and airy enough. The flat comes with an emergency bell, whereby if they require any assistance, an alarm will trigger at the void deck to alert passerby to help calls the police or ambulance.  

Most elderly whom I talked to, have financial worries. They are given monthly allowances, which after deducting the rent and bills; they basically left about $10 a day for food/miscs expenses. Most depends on food ration given end of the month by different charity organization. Sometimes, in order to save some money, they would not on lights at night, they would not watch too much television and they would often dine Maggie mee.

As we walked the estate below the blks, many elderly came up for a chat. Some thought we are painters to paint their flat (other batch of volunteers) and smile widely; even when we said we are not, their smile stays and walks away.

I feel so much love on Saturday. Such love, are money cannot buy.