Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Yesterday, I’ve finally made my decision.
To fly higher, to soar further.
Plucked up full courage to tender,
Plucked up full courage to sign.
At 27, energy in life must be fully charged.
I have been lethargic for 4 years already.
Just enough time to recuperate my health to be in green.
Although anxiety attacks occurs sometimes,
I just have to learn breathing deeper.
Training in Norway was necessary for the new signage company.
I have support from friends and family.
I think I am finally ready to go out to see the world.
It’s paid for so why not.   
Although I am scared because I will be alone in a cold country,
Never try never knowing.
Looking back when I am old,
No regretless will be mention.
I am ready.
I am looking forward.
Dear god, pls protect me when I am there.

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