Tuesday, July 23, 2013


^ I will be naming the title of my blog in sequence of current Korean lesson for my own tracing purpose ^
2 more lessons and I am finally completing Korean Basic Level 2. So happy >.<
Actually, I did complete my level 2 while taking lessons in the CC 2 years before. Since I forgotten most of it, I had a hard time to keep up in this level. I noticed the dragging of feet to class nowadays (which is not good) but I still go for the classes. As the classes shrink when leveling up, 70% chance of saeng-sae-nim to be calling my name and asking questions like what I did yesterday and the day before ensues. It stresses me out most of the time as I had to listen hard on the questions he asked in Korean and replied in Korean. However, I must admit I do enjoy the conversation part as it tells me where my language proficiency stands.
Just this Monday, we have completed the ‘Directions’ chapter. Turn left, turn right, go straight, behind/below and front are the most common words to use when giving directions either through driving or walking. The school is great. They did grocery maps and around-the-school maps for us to stimulate the directions. It was really interesting when classmates try to get off with when saeng-sae-nim asked how to go to a certain place and everything was go straight then goes straight. HAHAAHA!! At some point, saeng-sae-nim was so confused that he had to use his google map to track where we are heading to =D . We had lots of laughter in last night class.  
The coming lesson will be on ‘Phone calls’. I am looking forward to it.
But till now, let me brush up on my vocabulary =)

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