Monday, February 14, 2011


It’s the special day for love.

A lot of colleagues got couriered roses and presents from their partner. What a surprise! You can see the grin in their faces even though they said it was purely commercialized and a waste of money. I was happy for them, because their partners remember this special day. These guys are bravo in making a woman happy.

Nope, I didn’t get anything today or any celebration. YES, I am saying the truth. There were also no special gestures except I felt, a copied sms from somewhere sent to me in the morning by Charles. Aint sweet right…I will just have to live with it because everytime I complaint about his unromantism , he would often debate that this is his character and cannot be change. Seriously, I rather not see him today and head home to watch TV.

I am just so tired due to the CNY… *yawn*

Happy Valentine’s Day

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