Saturday, February 19, 2011


I can no longer stands the pain in my throat that I finally went to see a doctor at 330pm. My throat seems to have a knife, sliding every parts of my throat that made me cough till my lungs was out. For a few moments, I just felt like having blooding smell from my throat had after all the pain and coughing.

1 hour, that’s how long I waited for 1 doctor whereby the clinic aint full of patient but 3 medicine sale promoters. I was extremely pissed off when the doctor decided to see the promoters before me when I cough as if I got lung cancer and I came before them. He practically ignores me until I decided to complaint to the receptionist that I have already waited an hour. And I am glad I did make noise even though my voice already quite hoarse, because I get to go in right afterthat.

So it proven, terrible sore throat and a mild fever.

I waited an hour > 2 mins of consultation > $100 medicine I paid for


Bloody expensive!

So now I know, no more Suntec clinic!

May I get well for the sake of $100 = 2 mins.

PS: don’t talk to me now… after eating the medicine, I am voiceless… and I don’t know why.

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