Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I saw one show recently, about an arts scholar. He was a straight A student and was about to graduate from the Arts School in another 3 months. The route to success changed when he got himself into a relationship with a beautiful girl, in his class. While the arts students’ road to success was visible, his girlfriend was almost being raped by a Director who promised to give her the success she yearns for. The straight A student had a fight with the Director, and was been fired from the art school immediately clearly because of the fight. To him, he was a hero for her, but things just couldn’t get it right after that incident.

He was expelled, and no companies willing to take him in in his country. He migrated, only to seek employment and continue to do the things he loves – acting. Things were tough, as no companies used him. There are many reasons speculating, such as he didn’t graduated or his salary demands are too steep. To survive, he can only wore a clown suit and sells balloons at night. As he wasn’t a registered clown selling things in the streets, he was again and again being threatened to leave. The hatred blow up when his once girlfriend became famous and got the best actresses award.

As time goes by, his hatred grew… his hatred for the society.

He brought black balloons, tied to an acidic bottle and allows the balloons to fly. Many people were injured because of this.

To him, no one gave him chances… he committed suicide just as when the police about to raid his home.


It was sad isn’t it, when environmental factors was not to his advantage. Sometimes, I felt just like him too. It just seems that I couldn’t fit into the society. Many times, because of this factor I hopped jobs and only to realize no matter where I go, still square one. It was very frustrating indeed and I took a while for me to understand this together with great emotional and physical struggles. With all the different kinds of attacks, I am just glad that I still survive and breathing. Dying may not be the only solution… and may not solve the problem too.

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