Wednesday, July 25, 2012


one of my cousin has been out of love lately, posting very emotional personal messages in his FB. i didnt share any inspirating comments on his messages because i know clearly, this is a stage he has to go through just like most of us have. it is a part of a growing up process whereby you learn throughout the way.

while i see his messages filled with lonliness, questioning the true meaning of love, i begin to think about my own understanding of love.

love is something you cant see or touch, only through the sense of feel.
love is sweet.
to have the capability to love, is a blessing really.
to be able to help someone you love yet not asking for anything in return, only to see the other person being so happy, thats a blessing too.
love is short, yet it live an eternity.
but the greatest love of all, is to able to hold hands to walk through different stages of life till old and breathing last.

i am looking for this love. an enternity long lasting love.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


i watched a show last night in scv. it was about ...

this little boy, James who love transformer and would never miss any episode every Friday 6pm. his parents went overseas during that period, requested him to stay at his grandparents house after school. he would dread to go, arguing that he is able to take care of himself since he is already 10. but the truth was he scared he would miss the cartoon since, his grandparents house did not subcribe to cartoon network. he went of course, without a choice.

on monday when his parents came back, his father handed him a cartoon book which his father drew. it was the friday's transformer featured on cartoon network, he said, lying that he is able to watch it when he was overseas. James was extremely delighted, smiling for the first time after he came home.

now that James was 27 and on the night before his wedding, he saw the cartoon book which his dad drew for him. to James, this was probably the best present he has received from his father. because to him, his father took time and effort to watch his farvourite cartoon and draw it out as a keepsake for him.

he went to where his father was standing at the lawn, and said,"Dad, thanks for this. this cartoon book is such precious to me. did you really watched the entire hour of transformer and drew this?"

James's dad laughed, walked away.

James knew... it was not the same episode that he missed on tv that time. it was his dad imagination that kept James little 10 years old dream come true.

so... sometimes, lying is not always the bad thing afterall. even if it is a lie, it may be a blessing too.

Friday, July 13, 2012


I must say, I hate history and don’t enjoy reading them. Yet I can’t resist stopping, because I always believe history is an important asset which craft the world today.

Few days ago, I saw a documentary featuring a voice from one of the survivor of World War II (Japanese Occupation).  It actually showcase real videos of what happen to Japan (the afterlife) after their surrender in 1945. I don’t want to be prejudice in this matter, so I shall not add any comments.

Now, a friend went to Cambodia and took many photos of TUOL SLENG (former Khmer Rouge S-21 Prison) and left me feeling…

History makes me depressed.
History makes me tear.
Because I always imagine what if I have been in that situation, will I be as strong as the women who need to live through the war.

I salute their courage.
I admire their bravery.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Often, you can hear a lot of people shouting, “This is my life and it’s none of your business!”

A lot of people thought naively that life belongs to them and they have the rights to do whatever they wanted to. Parents thought they gave life to their children so they have certain rights to manipulate their children future, such as to do this or to do that. But have anybody thought about this in a philosophy way? I grasp the meaning while I was on the train heading home just now. I don’t know if readers believe I am right, at least I thought it should be correct in terms of philosophy.

If life really belongs to oneself, or even belongs to the parents, then why can’t we control the length of our life?

If life really belongs to oneself, or even belongs to the parents, then why can’t we control sickness and diseases?

If life really belongs to oneself, or even belongs to the parents, then why can’t we be what we want to be?

In a matter-of-fact, life belongs to no one.

Human beings like us, only a protector to life.

When god gave us life, once the time is up, we’ll only have to return the life to the originator.

If this is so, doesn’t anyone think we should live together harmoniously every day?


Friday, July 6, 2012


Have you all ever wonder the definition of beauty?

When I was little, I thought beauty is when people approach you, asking you to be their friend.

When I was teens, I thought beauty is when boys ask you out on a date.

When I was sitting on my comfy sofa an hour ago watching a documentary, I thought beauty is not all about exterior of a person but more of the inner cultivation.

My emotions overwhelmed me while I was watching the documentary. It was about conjoined twins where some are lucky to be separated and others weren’t fortunate enough due to complicated issues in the jointed blood vessels. My tears burst out and I sat at the balcony at the end of the documentary, thinking, about how lucky most of us were even though we don’t have enough riches and show-off status.

To the conjoined twins, beauty is not heavily relying on their physical appearance, but of high percentage what talent they can showcase and how independent they actually are. They can live the same life as how normal people live, except, there are unique methods they actually use to live. While others thought they are pitiful to be conjoin, conjoined twins never have such pitiful thinking. To them, if this is how they were born, there must be reasons that happen this way which they learnt to accept and make full use of it. They have learnt to live in the eyes of prejudice people, and they believe they have grown stronger because of this.    

And today, I have learnt a lesson…

To have the courage to accept the reality; Unfortunate might be a blessing some way!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Been tired and broke lately. I reckon is because of the numerous weddings I went to for the entire June. This year, I’ll probably have to attend another 3 more weddings which made it a total of 8. Honestly, food at the wedding dinner is basically the same. It only stays in the question of good and not-good. So, I am actually quite sick of all the 山珍海味 at the moment.

I have been in-and-out of so many hotels this June, that for the dinner itself, I can probably make a ranking on the food-cum-hotel service. As a conclusion (I don’t think it is nice to 说太白on the hotel names as some are 5-star hotels yet the standard was not there), I PERSONALLY thought ‘Copthorne King's Hotel Singapore’ is among the best in terms of food and service. At least, they serve hot food and wine is never shortage. Check them out:

Although I must say their location was quite offsite, it was absolute worth it when the food is served.

I need a break and more $$! Haha!