Friday, July 13, 2012


I must say, I hate history and don’t enjoy reading them. Yet I can’t resist stopping, because I always believe history is an important asset which craft the world today.

Few days ago, I saw a documentary featuring a voice from one of the survivor of World War II (Japanese Occupation).  It actually showcase real videos of what happen to Japan (the afterlife) after their surrender in 1945. I don’t want to be prejudice in this matter, so I shall not add any comments.

Now, a friend went to Cambodia and took many photos of TUOL SLENG (former Khmer Rouge S-21 Prison) and left me feeling…

History makes me depressed.
History makes me tear.
Because I always imagine what if I have been in that situation, will I be as strong as the women who need to live through the war.

I salute their courage.
I admire their bravery.

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