Wednesday, July 25, 2012


one of my cousin has been out of love lately, posting very emotional personal messages in his FB. i didnt share any inspirating comments on his messages because i know clearly, this is a stage he has to go through just like most of us have. it is a part of a growing up process whereby you learn throughout the way.

while i see his messages filled with lonliness, questioning the true meaning of love, i begin to think about my own understanding of love.

love is something you cant see or touch, only through the sense of feel.
love is sweet.
to have the capability to love, is a blessing really.
to be able to help someone you love yet not asking for anything in return, only to see the other person being so happy, thats a blessing too.
love is short, yet it live an eternity.
but the greatest love of all, is to able to hold hands to walk through different stages of life till old and breathing last.

i am looking for this love. an enternity long lasting love.

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