Friday, July 6, 2012


Have you all ever wonder the definition of beauty?

When I was little, I thought beauty is when people approach you, asking you to be their friend.

When I was teens, I thought beauty is when boys ask you out on a date.

When I was sitting on my comfy sofa an hour ago watching a documentary, I thought beauty is not all about exterior of a person but more of the inner cultivation.

My emotions overwhelmed me while I was watching the documentary. It was about conjoined twins where some are lucky to be separated and others weren’t fortunate enough due to complicated issues in the jointed blood vessels. My tears burst out and I sat at the balcony at the end of the documentary, thinking, about how lucky most of us were even though we don’t have enough riches and show-off status.

To the conjoined twins, beauty is not heavily relying on their physical appearance, but of high percentage what talent they can showcase and how independent they actually are. They can live the same life as how normal people live, except, there are unique methods they actually use to live. While others thought they are pitiful to be conjoin, conjoined twins never have such pitiful thinking. To them, if this is how they were born, there must be reasons that happen this way which they learnt to accept and make full use of it. They have learnt to live in the eyes of prejudice people, and they believe they have grown stronger because of this.    

And today, I have learnt a lesson…

To have the courage to accept the reality; Unfortunate might be a blessing some way!

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