Monday, July 2, 2012


Been tired and broke lately. I reckon is because of the numerous weddings I went to for the entire June. This year, I’ll probably have to attend another 3 more weddings which made it a total of 8. Honestly, food at the wedding dinner is basically the same. It only stays in the question of good and not-good. So, I am actually quite sick of all the 山珍海味 at the moment.

I have been in-and-out of so many hotels this June, that for the dinner itself, I can probably make a ranking on the food-cum-hotel service. As a conclusion (I don’t think it is nice to 说太白on the hotel names as some are 5-star hotels yet the standard was not there), I PERSONALLY thought ‘Copthorne King's Hotel Singapore’ is among the best in terms of food and service. At least, they serve hot food and wine is never shortage. Check them out:

Although I must say their location was quite offsite, it was absolute worth it when the food is served.

I need a break and more $$! Haha!

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