Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I was invited to a dinner with my new company (operation dept) at a special French restaurant. Without the help of Google map, don’t think I am able to locate the place.


It was very romantic on the outside of the restaurant. They decorated it well with bright small flowers. It looks like a typical European small cottage. Inside of the restaurant was hanging with many special French posters. The brown and dim yellow lights create a very soothing and calm place to relax after a long day of work. I was 5 mins late, as I have to walk from Chinatown MRT and rely on google map to bring me to the correct place. I was afraid that I am unable to find the place at first, but I did it still. Hooray to me!!

We were given menus (food/wine) to choose our dinner. I had Escagots for starter and Roasted duck breast cooked medium as my main. When my duck came, it was embarrassing. I ate it. Then subsequently I realized I have to wait for the sides. (yah! Whatever!) Accompanied by fantastic red wine, I must say the dinner was really first-class

I will patronize again.  

I was a little out of place during the dinner. New colleagues spoke English slang. I had some difficulties understanding it. They are made up of Singaporean, Norwegians and Indians. Lucky I am able to grasp what they are talking about after 15 mins into the dinner. I tried to join in the conversations, but mostly, I sat there listening and smiling. I rather stay quiet then talking something unnecessary. It was our first meeting afterall; I am trying not to look bad.

After the dinner, it lessens the discomfort of all the concerns I have previously of having to be sent to Norway for a month. I realized every single one of them travels a lot. Some of them were torment by the cold winter when heater wasn’t available. I should count myself very lucky to be sent to Norway during their autumn. If they can do it, why can’t I?   

I am looking forward to having the opportunity to work in Norway in September/October. I am going to take lots of pictures. One day, when I have children and grandchildren, I am going to SHOW OFF. Ahahahhahaa!!!

You can do it FANNIE… HWAITING!!!

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