Saturday, April 26, 2014


first hit - driver
second, third, fourth hit - iron
then repeat the process...

this is what coach asked me to do today. when I tried to hit with my driver the second time, he caught me and says when he is around, I couldn't do that. I figured, probably he is using the rules of green to guide me in order to prepare me for our green in the next lesson.

7th 8th 9th lesson- will be on the green.

10th lesson - driving range (fixing errors during the green game)

anyway, today at the last 15 mins, he taught us chipping using P/SW.

Monday, April 21, 2014


On 16april14, hb brought me my first new golf set – Slazenger Lady Panther. It was pink, but acceptable in my opinion. Make a few slow motion swing (to prevent hitting any furniture at home) and took some selfie with my new set. He said this is for the 3rd year wedding anniversary gift. Well, I am happy as long I save my pocket. LMAO!
On 17april14, we went to collect hb golf set as well – Golden Bear series.
We went to Mandai to have a few swing (80 balls). I tell you, throughout I was praying I have a good shot because I don’t want end up scratching my clubs. Disappointingly, I did scratch a few. Afterall, I am not expert yet and still trying to control my balls. Hb wasn’t having a good time since he couldn’t make a lot of shots. The ball stay still on the ground. I can see he was frustrated but I suggest he talks to the coach about why he hasn’t able to make any shots at all. End up, he did manage to hit a few, while I finish the rest of his balls.
Finally came to the 5th lesson.
Hb was nagging me that I ought to bring my new clubs to season but I gave the excuse it will add more scratches to the 3 days old. He brought his though. When the coach ask why hasn’t I brought mine too, hb didn’t wait for a second to spill the bean. How not cool right, should give me some face mah! Then the coach proceed to telling me nobody cares about scratching the base as the most important is the club face. He show us how to clean the club face after that. Shortly later, he proceeded to teach me on swinging movements. Hb didn’t get to learn though, because his swings still rusty (laugh loud loud not giving him face). Anyway, hb asked the coach why he couldn’t get many shots with his new club while I can (I can hit the ball and give it a good swing using hb clubs too. HAOLIAN I KNOW). Coach explain because he need to season with his club first before good shots can come in. while I can hit the balls with my new clubs, is merely because I have a good posture and swing. When the technique is correct, it is no problem getting the ball fly, but to let it fly far, it might be a problem. Hence, it is important to season with the clubs to understand the clubs better. For that one hour, I didn’t hit any driver. With the new body swinging movement in place, I only use that hour to practice my iron 7.
2 more lessons to green :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014


when I am down, only music save me from being drown on my own sorrow

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


'You Who Came From the Stars' has been very very popular among girls around the world. so i went to watch it but... bored. so i really dont know why it is getting so much attention on the actor/actress/drama when there are better shows around.

alright, maybe i watch 'Master's Sun' first, then a week later I watch the stars. because I often hear people you must wait for a month before you can watch another drama due to the afterward effect emotionally. but without doubt, the latter has more impact on me. the drama draws my attention on the storyline (all the different funny and sad ghost in the drama, especially the coffee boy and rubbish man).

stars vs sun who do you prefer? i prefer the sun definitely.


Its 4th lesson already with coach at Bishan driving range. Time flies isn’t it.
To prevent the coach for not teaching us driver, I had hb to ask him before the lesson starts. So yes, coach says he will be teaching us driver. It is like FINALLY!!
We started off with iron 7 for the first 15 mins and then coach asked us to stand at the side for driver explanation. I am always thrilled at learning new things because usually I can get bored after doing the same thing for a while. Afterwhich, he wants us to swing the driver without the ball yet onto the rubber tee because he says the correct hitting of ball using the driver is by hitting 50% onto the tee. Then shortly after, he brings out a wooden tee and ask us to hit it. If the wooden tee didn’t fly off then our swing is wrong. I manage to hit it the 2nd time and also breaking the tee at the same time (-.-). Total satisfaction =)
At the end of the lesson, hb asked the coach if we have to get our own clubs. And the answer is an obvious yes. 3 more lessons and we have to go to the green, so it is better to have our clubs and practice more on our own. Sibei sian need spend money again.
So for the subsequent days, we look for new/old golf sets for comparison. The price must be reasonable also since this is our 1st set. Wish us luck :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I just finish watching their DVD.

my heart never stop pumping banging screaming.

they are BIG BANG... its really FANTASTIC BABY ;)

Heard this summer they will be releasing their new album, cant wait!

Friday, April 11, 2014


this is cute isn't it.

I am emo-ing today. And I saw this... I smile.

Hope this helps to make your day slight positive too.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Honestly, I was a bit disappointed when the lesson starts. Coach handed hb and me an iron 7. I was puzzled but did not question since I thought it will be better to go through iron before driver. Coach amend some ‘common mistakes’ which newbie golfers made (which kind of happen to us as well).
1. Focusing on arm too much
Coach kept correcting our upper body movement because he said we are using too much upper body power to drive the ball. He emphasize it is important to hit ball comes from legs and hips. The arms and hands are just a tool which utilize lower body power to drive the ball.
2. Wrist Movement
We got to know when to use the wrist movement. When swing a golf club, wrists should turn over as a result of the motion. But many golfers start their swing with a tight grip, then try to loosen it as they move the club back. Yet if we do not start with locked wrists, though, then we will never need to un-lock them when swinging the gold club down.
3. Finishing
Coach says some golfers make such mistake. As in, after the swing, they did not finish the swing. This could make the ball not flying beautifully far. In my own opinion, I think it is more of a prevention of body injuries? I do feel awkward when my swing is not full.
So that’s the entire lesson. The coach did not teach us anything about driver yet although he promised he would the last lesson.
In the middle of the lesson, he corrected our attire. He criticized my shirt is not collar and hb did not tucked in. but I personally don’t find anything wrong since we are only at the driving range? Perhaps habits should start early. But really, I feel he shouldn’t criticized us in front of everybody when he did not say anything on what we should wear during the 1st lesson. He expect us to use our observation. Seriously, I see people wearing singlets and tshirt in the driving range too. He says it’s the standard to wear collar shirt, I questioned silently, who set the rules? Those professional golfers? What logic it is behind for wearing collar shirt? So I search google and got this answer...
" Some small local courses don't require a collared shirt. Most nicer courses will though. Reason? Golf started out as a wealthy gentleman's game and the courses are just trying to keep it appearing that way. It's an image they want to maintain. Same reason why some nicer restaurants and clubs will require a jacket be worn in the dining room. The wealthy image allows them to charge more $$$... and that's what makes the world go around. ~ TeeDawg 2006"
Overall, I hated the coach ego and his short concentration level he has for us. For example, when people walked pass he will strike a conversation. When there are passerby who got lost he was kind enough to show them the correct place. When one of the trainee he likes, he kept talking to her. FOR F..K SAKE WE PAY YOU SCHOOL FEE TOO!!
Now I wonder if he will really teach us new things in the next lesson.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Used to go reds and I have been going there for the longest time. Always using the same hair stylist since he has been cutting my hair the way I want it. I tried to change to another stylist in reds, but the outcome wasn’t that pleasing. So when my sister calls me to inform me reds in nex close, I was devastated. Perhaps its fate, my sister’s friend chance upon the hair stylist in nex and we are in contact again. Just that, he was reposition to somewhere much further away from nex which is not convenient. I suggest my sister and I to try other salon in nex instead. After several up and down to different salons to find a suitable one, we decided to try HAIR INN since, it has the most customers inside (in the end I asked the hair stylish why so many customer, he replied because we are beside NTUC -.-‘’).

Drinks are served and stylist approached us. My sister started hers first while nobody attended to my hair. My stylist basically run around. I was thinking, “is ok … I am a forgiving person. The stylist must be busy. I can understand.” He came to me finally and introduce me to a premium hair scalp treatment instead of the one I previously request. I turn down. So he proceed to put the first step treatment. 2 minutes later, he asked me to wait and left. BUT THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME I DO SCALP TREATMENT WHY MUST WAIT!! My blood boiled. I keep quiet though because my hair is still at his mercy. 5 minutes later he returned and asked me to follow him for a wash. Throughout, he tried to sell me more things to be include to my hair. I decline again. So he goes, “but miss very cheap you know. We are having promotion.” I said nothing but inside me, my blood still boiling for the unnecessary wait. AND when he shampoo my hair, the soap just got into both of my ears because he put too much. I AM PISSED AND BOILING.

Coming to the cut, he asked me how long should it be gone. I politely said 2 inch. And BLOODY HELL, he really cut 2 inch straight and flat. I looked stupid. Its like somebody just put a ruler and cut it horizontally straight. He blow “dry” my hair. I paid at the counter and he gave me his name card.
Outside, I crumpled when I read his name card. He is senior stylist. PLS LOR!!! If he can be senior stylist, I must be master stylist already. Don’t asked me his name, because when I saw the senior stylist title, I just crushed the name card and throw.

Back home, hb saw the back of my shirt and asked if I went to get a hair cut or a shower. The back of my shirt is WET!!! Because the senior hair stylish did not blow dry the ends of my hair. I AM SUPER PISSED OFF!!

Did I even mentioned for the entire hour hair treatment and cut, he went to answer phone, talk about tv show with his colleagues and disappear suddenly.


I will never patronize again. I will die die go back find my hair stylist even though he is relocate to a far place. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Coach gave me iron 8 this time instead of 7 which I used in the previous 1st lesson. Hb got the same iron 7 though.
From what I understand, The irons from 5 to 7 are typically called the "mid irons", and are generally used from the fairway and rough for longer approach shots, between 130-210 yards depending on the club, player and course. The 8 and 9 irons are commonly called the "short irons". They have the highest-mass clubheads and the shortest shafts of the numbered irons, and are used for shots requiring high loft and/or moderate to short distance (typically between 130 and 150 yards with a full swing). The short irons are traditionally regarded as the easiest to hit; however they are typically used in situations requiring very high accuracy, and so it becomes critical to minimize any effect of mis-hits. I didn’t miss any hit when I use iron 8. But it just cant fly far. My average is about 50 yards. And hb can actually hit 150 yards with iron 7. I wonder how much further he can hit with a driver.

Truly impressed.

The lesson goes on with more swing and practice using iron. Nothing much new. We also hit more balls compare to 1st lesson.

1st lesson = 50 balls

2nd lesson = 80 balls

Before we left, coach says he will teach us using driver next lesson since our swing are okay.

I cant wait!

Hb and I are also discussing about getting our own clubs so we can go practice during weekday. My wallet =(