Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Its 4th lesson already with coach at Bishan driving range. Time flies isn’t it.
To prevent the coach for not teaching us driver, I had hb to ask him before the lesson starts. So yes, coach says he will be teaching us driver. It is like FINALLY!!
We started off with iron 7 for the first 15 mins and then coach asked us to stand at the side for driver explanation. I am always thrilled at learning new things because usually I can get bored after doing the same thing for a while. Afterwhich, he wants us to swing the driver without the ball yet onto the rubber tee because he says the correct hitting of ball using the driver is by hitting 50% onto the tee. Then shortly after, he brings out a wooden tee and ask us to hit it. If the wooden tee didn’t fly off then our swing is wrong. I manage to hit it the 2nd time and also breaking the tee at the same time (-.-). Total satisfaction =)
At the end of the lesson, hb asked the coach if we have to get our own clubs. And the answer is an obvious yes. 3 more lessons and we have to go to the green, so it is better to have our clubs and practice more on our own. Sibei sian need spend money again.
So for the subsequent days, we look for new/old golf sets for comparison. The price must be reasonable also since this is our 1st set. Wish us luck :)

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