Monday, April 21, 2014


On 16april14, hb brought me my first new golf set – Slazenger Lady Panther. It was pink, but acceptable in my opinion. Make a few slow motion swing (to prevent hitting any furniture at home) and took some selfie with my new set. He said this is for the 3rd year wedding anniversary gift. Well, I am happy as long I save my pocket. LMAO!
On 17april14, we went to collect hb golf set as well – Golden Bear series.
We went to Mandai to have a few swing (80 balls). I tell you, throughout I was praying I have a good shot because I don’t want end up scratching my clubs. Disappointingly, I did scratch a few. Afterall, I am not expert yet and still trying to control my balls. Hb wasn’t having a good time since he couldn’t make a lot of shots. The ball stay still on the ground. I can see he was frustrated but I suggest he talks to the coach about why he hasn’t able to make any shots at all. End up, he did manage to hit a few, while I finish the rest of his balls.
Finally came to the 5th lesson.
Hb was nagging me that I ought to bring my new clubs to season but I gave the excuse it will add more scratches to the 3 days old. He brought his though. When the coach ask why hasn’t I brought mine too, hb didn’t wait for a second to spill the bean. How not cool right, should give me some face mah! Then the coach proceed to telling me nobody cares about scratching the base as the most important is the club face. He show us how to clean the club face after that. Shortly later, he proceeded to teach me on swinging movements. Hb didn’t get to learn though, because his swings still rusty (laugh loud loud not giving him face). Anyway, hb asked the coach why he couldn’t get many shots with his new club while I can (I can hit the ball and give it a good swing using hb clubs too. HAOLIAN I KNOW). Coach explain because he need to season with his club first before good shots can come in. while I can hit the balls with my new clubs, is merely because I have a good posture and swing. When the technique is correct, it is no problem getting the ball fly, but to let it fly far, it might be a problem. Hence, it is important to season with the clubs to understand the clubs better. For that one hour, I didn’t hit any driver. With the new body swinging movement in place, I only use that hour to practice my iron 7.
2 more lessons to green :)

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