Monday, April 7, 2014


Honestly, I was a bit disappointed when the lesson starts. Coach handed hb and me an iron 7. I was puzzled but did not question since I thought it will be better to go through iron before driver. Coach amend some ‘common mistakes’ which newbie golfers made (which kind of happen to us as well).
1. Focusing on arm too much
Coach kept correcting our upper body movement because he said we are using too much upper body power to drive the ball. He emphasize it is important to hit ball comes from legs and hips. The arms and hands are just a tool which utilize lower body power to drive the ball.
2. Wrist Movement
We got to know when to use the wrist movement. When swing a golf club, wrists should turn over as a result of the motion. But many golfers start their swing with a tight grip, then try to loosen it as they move the club back. Yet if we do not start with locked wrists, though, then we will never need to un-lock them when swinging the gold club down.
3. Finishing
Coach says some golfers make such mistake. As in, after the swing, they did not finish the swing. This could make the ball not flying beautifully far. In my own opinion, I think it is more of a prevention of body injuries? I do feel awkward when my swing is not full.
So that’s the entire lesson. The coach did not teach us anything about driver yet although he promised he would the last lesson.
In the middle of the lesson, he corrected our attire. He criticized my shirt is not collar and hb did not tucked in. but I personally don’t find anything wrong since we are only at the driving range? Perhaps habits should start early. But really, I feel he shouldn’t criticized us in front of everybody when he did not say anything on what we should wear during the 1st lesson. He expect us to use our observation. Seriously, I see people wearing singlets and tshirt in the driving range too. He says it’s the standard to wear collar shirt, I questioned silently, who set the rules? Those professional golfers? What logic it is behind for wearing collar shirt? So I search google and got this answer...
" Some small local courses don't require a collared shirt. Most nicer courses will though. Reason? Golf started out as a wealthy gentleman's game and the courses are just trying to keep it appearing that way. It's an image they want to maintain. Same reason why some nicer restaurants and clubs will require a jacket be worn in the dining room. The wealthy image allows them to charge more $$$... and that's what makes the world go around. ~ TeeDawg 2006"
Overall, I hated the coach ego and his short concentration level he has for us. For example, when people walked pass he will strike a conversation. When there are passerby who got lost he was kind enough to show them the correct place. When one of the trainee he likes, he kept talking to her. FOR F..K SAKE WE PAY YOU SCHOOL FEE TOO!!
Now I wonder if he will really teach us new things in the next lesson.

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