Friday, August 30, 2013


A busy night today.
My car right side tyre is punctured. It was punctured yesterday actually and we just drove to the nearest Shell to pump up the air. The air set nicely inside and we head to supper at KFC. Drove back and nothing happens so we thought the air just went off since we didn’t hear any loud sound made from the tyre. Today we verified the tyre condition and there it goes, total FLAT. We struggle to the nearest Shell station again to pump up the air with great embarrassment. Because we are using the tyre rim to bring us to the Shell station, on the road itself, it produce loud sound. Onlookers kept staring at us but really, there is nothing we can do. Hub vouch there was no equipment for us to change to our spare tyre so there is really no way out but to drive to the Shell station to pump up the air and then drove to one of the tyre company who operates at this late hour.
Horribly, when we tried to pump up the air, we notice the really big hole on the tyre. The tyre is officially GONE CASE. Look at the picture below.
We frantically make calls to tow companies and friends. Many of the tow companies did not pick up their phone and when one eventually did, he charge SGD80 to just change to the spare tyre itself. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NIGHT-LIGHT ROBBERY.
After hassle here and there, getting more panicked than we should be, a very nice Shell employee (pump attendant) came to our rescue. We gave him some tips for his effort and his smile wide. The reason for the tips is because the previous night when we goes into the Shell, he helped us with the pump and tonight, he offered his help to asking cars who came in for pump for their equipment, then help us change to the spare tyre so we can safely goes to the tyre shop to make purchase. He is nice. His name is Hary.
Look at the picture. It is a lot of differences when spare tyre vs the actual tyre.
Anyway, we eventually settle the tyre issues. Dunlop brand.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Do you plan your time?
I do usually. Such as on a Saturday where hub and I don’t have to go to the office, I would often ask him on Friday night what our schedule is on Saturday. Sometimes he get pissed, because he just don’t get it why must we plan everything in advance when it is a free day for both of us. Although he don’t like it, I continue though. Pester him with answer every Friday night. Haha! Well, it is true that getting a planned schedule can help make my time to be more organise, sometimes, I just pester him for fun. Those irritated face and tone of his does make my Friday night joyful. Ended on a good note.
I feel…
Planning is a critical factor in our life. A skill that is worth a fortune. This is so because there is often a saying that an hour spent in planning a task will save approximately three hours of work in carrying it out.
Do you agree?
Of course, it is not often necessary to plan everything we go for the next minute or the next hour. A too well organised life structure may bring stress and pressure. Long term planning, mid-term planning or short term planning are three types of plan which one should develop them in sequence. From short, to mid then goes to long term. Short term planning may be the task to do today or tomorrow. Mid-term planning can be classified what to achieve over a year horizon. Long term planning can be focuses on career and life goals. It is not difficult to plan but I feel it requires effort to accomplish those plans that are set in the first place.
Lets see mine…
Short term plan: have a good dinner
Mid-term term plan: stable career and have a kid
Long term plan: a bigger house and a bigger car
Perhaps the objective should stick to SMART – strategic, measureable, agreed, realistic and timed.
So do have plans?

Or at the end of the day it is just because I am a virgo (horoscope).


Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Right, I shouldn’t went shops to self-test the EX2F since I have already decided not to buy it. I must salute temptation and human greed, because I clearly failed to control myself.  I still went ahead to hold the camera and test shot a few photos. It is really NICE!! Hahaha… the feel, the weight, the wifi and the f1.4 bright lens kept attracting me to look towards it direction. Still, the price is the greatest stopping factor.
Another camera which I fancy is G15. The handling experience is similar to my DSLR. The quality is top-notch. However, G15 lacks swivel screen and wifi which kind of the main attraction for me in terms of a compact camera. Although these 2 features are not the really important details to consider as a camera on a whole, but since I am going to Norway alone, easy self-portrait is key. 
So really, what should I buy? G15 vs EX2F? Quality vs wifi/self-protrait.
Or should I just save the bucks and bring my DSLR?
Here is a brief review of G15:
Now, with the launch of the G15, Canon has added back one of the original selling points of the G-series; a genuinely fast zoom lens. This covers the same 28-140mm equivalent focal length range as the G12's, but is a stop and a third faster, at F1.8-2.8 rather than F2.8-4.5. This gives the G15 a distinct advantage over its predecessor not only in low light, but also in the ability to blur backgrounds a bit more when shooting at the long end of the zoom.

But while Canon gives with one hand, it takes away with the other. The G15's rear screen is fixed, rather than articulated, a move that Canon says was necessary to make the camera smaller and more pocketable. The G15 is indeed significantly slimmer than its predecessor - by about 15% with the lens retracted - but we can't help but feel that as many potential buyers will be dismayed by the loss of this useful feature as there will be enthusiasts who are delighted by the camera's portability. The G15's screen itself is a large, high-resolution 3" 920k dot unit with a tempered glass cover and a wide viewing angle.

On the right hand flank of the camera - viewed from the back - we find covered ports for HDMI out, an optional remote shutter release cable plus combined USB 2.0/AV out connection. On the bottom is a familiar metal screw thread for a tripod, and a sliding cover for the compartment that houses the lithium-ion battery needed for power and the SD, SDHC or SDXC cards needed for image storage. Curiously, battery life is less impressive than its G11 forebear, at around 350 shots from a full charge rather than 370.

(review taken from dpreview)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Samsung EX2F

I must say, I have been a Samsung fan 10 years ago to date! hahaha!

My first mobile phone that I owned was actually a Samsung flip phone. Cant really remember the model I used since it was about 10 years ago. I had great pleasure on that phone. It was silver, 3 games, colored and really nothing else. When everyone was still using the non-colored phone with boring ringtone, I managed to persuade my mom to get me this. I love those games even though there are only 3. I love the 10 selection of ringtones, although no customisation was allowed at that time. Ahh, those were the days… easily satisfied!

Later on, I changed a couple of phones. HTC, blackberry, windows phone … then I am back with Samsung galaxy S2 2 years ago to date. I am a typical Samsung fan. I love their innovation and how my phone matches my character through easy customisation. And when my new company decided to get me a new phone for work purposes, I turn to Samsung again =)

They have this really awesome camera – EX2F. I love the compact and solid feel of it. I read reviews and see reviews from different websites and youtube, and fell madly in love with this little thing.

However, when I decided to purchase it so I can bring to Norway, the reluctances occur. I look at my Canon DSLR on the right, then face the computer screen featuring the EX2F, then turn towards my DSLR again… there it goes… bam! I decided not to spend those extra bucks. Disappointing of course. But then, if I really did purchase the EX2F, what about my DSLR which not-yet fails me. And when money has been tight, I shouldn’t spend those bucks like that. I just scare I might regret after purchase made. If only there will be kind soul to sponsor this little fellow… nah… no one will… haizzz

Anyway, for those who are interested, here is a little review of the EX2F:

The lens itself is extremely versatile on account of its bright maximum aperture of f/1.4. Even at full telephoto, equivalent to 80mm on a regular 35mm camera (it's a moderate 24mm at the opposite end of the scale), it stands at f/2.7, which many rival compacts struggle to achieve at wide angle.

This means it's easy to take some really short-focused shots, with the subject clearly pulled away from its surroundings to draw the eye.

Minimum focusing distance is 40cm at wide angle and 100cm at telephoto, although wide angle macro shots can be recorded with the lens as close as 1cm from the subject.

The EX2F has a back side-illuminated 12-megapixel sensor, which produces shots of 4,000x3,000 pixels. That's plenty for printing at A2 size and above when using an online commercial printer. It also allows for moderate, although not particularly tight, cropping.

However, the digital zoom, which backs up the physical 3.3x range of the lens, is pretty good. When used with care, its cropping and enhancing of the central part of the image doesn't greatly degrade the result.

(review taken from 

Monday, August 19, 2013


I was browsing news early in the morning and came across a very interesting article. They did an analysis on the number of working hours between several countries.

Blue: American
Green: German
Red: French
Brown: Singaporean
Orange: Korean
Purple: Hong Kong

No wonder Singaporeans nowadays have a lot of issues in their health, such as indigestion. Because we are overworked with stressful lives and not enough rest. Ha ha !!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I am preparing to go Norway for the whole of September now. Researching on the country, the nature the country has is something I am looking forward to.

Did You Know?
Highest temperature recorded in Norway is 35,6°C (Nesbyen 20 Jun. 1970).
Lowest temperature recorded in Norway is -51,4°C (Karasjok 1 Jan. 1886).

The only thing I am not looking forward to is the temperature.

August supposes to be the end of Summer and temperature typically stays around 20 deg. But, these few days when I monitored the temperature in August, it stays around 10 deg. So if summer is supposedly that cold, what would happen in September (autumn). I guess I must be prepared the temperature to stays around 5 deg in September. Then again, there nothing much I can do except brings thicker/more clothings. I just hope the apartment I will be staying in is heated.

During lunch, patsee was telling me due to the long hours of flight from Singapore to Norway, the company might buy me a first class air plane seat. I do not be bothered really. Economical is fine although a total of 13 hrs (straight flight) is needed. All I wish for is safe flight. As long as I am alive, not being nauseous throughout, I will be more than thankful. Best is I am able to sleep and when I wake up, soon to be land =)

So looking forward.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I was invited to a dinner with my new company (operation dept) at a special French restaurant. Without the help of Google map, don’t think I am able to locate the place.


It was very romantic on the outside of the restaurant. They decorated it well with bright small flowers. It looks like a typical European small cottage. Inside of the restaurant was hanging with many special French posters. The brown and dim yellow lights create a very soothing and calm place to relax after a long day of work. I was 5 mins late, as I have to walk from Chinatown MRT and rely on google map to bring me to the correct place. I was afraid that I am unable to find the place at first, but I did it still. Hooray to me!!

We were given menus (food/wine) to choose our dinner. I had Escagots for starter and Roasted duck breast cooked medium as my main. When my duck came, it was embarrassing. I ate it. Then subsequently I realized I have to wait for the sides. (yah! Whatever!) Accompanied by fantastic red wine, I must say the dinner was really first-class

I will patronize again.  

I was a little out of place during the dinner. New colleagues spoke English slang. I had some difficulties understanding it. They are made up of Singaporean, Norwegians and Indians. Lucky I am able to grasp what they are talking about after 15 mins into the dinner. I tried to join in the conversations, but mostly, I sat there listening and smiling. I rather stay quiet then talking something unnecessary. It was our first meeting afterall; I am trying not to look bad.

After the dinner, it lessens the discomfort of all the concerns I have previously of having to be sent to Norway for a month. I realized every single one of them travels a lot. Some of them were torment by the cold winter when heater wasn’t available. I should count myself very lucky to be sent to Norway during their autumn. If they can do it, why can’t I?   

I am looking forward to having the opportunity to work in Norway in September/October. I am going to take lots of pictures. One day, when I have children and grandchildren, I am going to SHOW OFF. Ahahahhahaa!!!

You can do it FANNIE… HWAITING!!!