Friday, August 30, 2013


A busy night today.
My car right side tyre is punctured. It was punctured yesterday actually and we just drove to the nearest Shell to pump up the air. The air set nicely inside and we head to supper at KFC. Drove back and nothing happens so we thought the air just went off since we didn’t hear any loud sound made from the tyre. Today we verified the tyre condition and there it goes, total FLAT. We struggle to the nearest Shell station again to pump up the air with great embarrassment. Because we are using the tyre rim to bring us to the Shell station, on the road itself, it produce loud sound. Onlookers kept staring at us but really, there is nothing we can do. Hub vouch there was no equipment for us to change to our spare tyre so there is really no way out but to drive to the Shell station to pump up the air and then drove to one of the tyre company who operates at this late hour.
Horribly, when we tried to pump up the air, we notice the really big hole on the tyre. The tyre is officially GONE CASE. Look at the picture below.
We frantically make calls to tow companies and friends. Many of the tow companies did not pick up their phone and when one eventually did, he charge SGD80 to just change to the spare tyre itself. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NIGHT-LIGHT ROBBERY.
After hassle here and there, getting more panicked than we should be, a very nice Shell employee (pump attendant) came to our rescue. We gave him some tips for his effort and his smile wide. The reason for the tips is because the previous night when we goes into the Shell, he helped us with the pump and tonight, he offered his help to asking cars who came in for pump for their equipment, then help us change to the spare tyre so we can safely goes to the tyre shop to make purchase. He is nice. His name is Hary.
Look at the picture. It is a lot of differences when spare tyre vs the actual tyre.
Anyway, we eventually settle the tyre issues. Dunlop brand.

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