Saturday, August 24, 2013

Samsung EX2F

I must say, I have been a Samsung fan 10 years ago to date! hahaha!

My first mobile phone that I owned was actually a Samsung flip phone. Cant really remember the model I used since it was about 10 years ago. I had great pleasure on that phone. It was silver, 3 games, colored and really nothing else. When everyone was still using the non-colored phone with boring ringtone, I managed to persuade my mom to get me this. I love those games even though there are only 3. I love the 10 selection of ringtones, although no customisation was allowed at that time. Ahh, those were the days… easily satisfied!

Later on, I changed a couple of phones. HTC, blackberry, windows phone … then I am back with Samsung galaxy S2 2 years ago to date. I am a typical Samsung fan. I love their innovation and how my phone matches my character through easy customisation. And when my new company decided to get me a new phone for work purposes, I turn to Samsung again =)

They have this really awesome camera – EX2F. I love the compact and solid feel of it. I read reviews and see reviews from different websites and youtube, and fell madly in love with this little thing.

However, when I decided to purchase it so I can bring to Norway, the reluctances occur. I look at my Canon DSLR on the right, then face the computer screen featuring the EX2F, then turn towards my DSLR again… there it goes… bam! I decided not to spend those extra bucks. Disappointing of course. But then, if I really did purchase the EX2F, what about my DSLR which not-yet fails me. And when money has been tight, I shouldn’t spend those bucks like that. I just scare I might regret after purchase made. If only there will be kind soul to sponsor this little fellow… nah… no one will… haizzz

Anyway, for those who are interested, here is a little review of the EX2F:

The lens itself is extremely versatile on account of its bright maximum aperture of f/1.4. Even at full telephoto, equivalent to 80mm on a regular 35mm camera (it's a moderate 24mm at the opposite end of the scale), it stands at f/2.7, which many rival compacts struggle to achieve at wide angle.

This means it's easy to take some really short-focused shots, with the subject clearly pulled away from its surroundings to draw the eye.

Minimum focusing distance is 40cm at wide angle and 100cm at telephoto, although wide angle macro shots can be recorded with the lens as close as 1cm from the subject.

The EX2F has a back side-illuminated 12-megapixel sensor, which produces shots of 4,000x3,000 pixels. That's plenty for printing at A2 size and above when using an online commercial printer. It also allows for moderate, although not particularly tight, cropping.

However, the digital zoom, which backs up the physical 3.3x range of the lens, is pretty good. When used with care, its cropping and enhancing of the central part of the image doesn't greatly degrade the result.

(review taken from 

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