Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I am preparing to go Norway for the whole of September now. Researching on the country, the nature the country has is something I am looking forward to.

Did You Know?
Highest temperature recorded in Norway is 35,6°C (Nesbyen 20 Jun. 1970).
Lowest temperature recorded in Norway is -51,4°C (Karasjok 1 Jan. 1886).

The only thing I am not looking forward to is the temperature.

August supposes to be the end of Summer and temperature typically stays around 20 deg. But, these few days when I monitored the temperature in August, it stays around 10 deg. So if summer is supposedly that cold, what would happen in September (autumn). I guess I must be prepared the temperature to stays around 5 deg in September. Then again, there nothing much I can do except brings thicker/more clothings. I just hope the apartment I will be staying in is heated.

During lunch, patsee was telling me due to the long hours of flight from Singapore to Norway, the company might buy me a first class air plane seat. I do not be bothered really. Economical is fine although a total of 13 hrs (straight flight) is needed. All I wish for is safe flight. As long as I am alive, not being nauseous throughout, I will be more than thankful. Best is I am able to sleep and when I wake up, soon to be land =)

So looking forward.

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