Friday, September 27, 2013


I've returned from Oslo to Singapore finally. Work in Singapore wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be (will update more on Oslo soon). And... unexpectedly, I miss my old office. I miss the warm, the laughter and the humanity. Hub says because of cultural and race differences since there never same between Caucasians and Chinese working styles. I nodded.

At lunch, I met Vivien, the ex-colleague.

She gave me a box with 2 slices of cake rolls from Good and Rich (pandan and durian). The ex-colleagues reserve two slices for me, one of each.

Hungry, and looking at the box, I couldn't eat it. The love and warm from the old office. Everytime I looked at the box with 2 slices of cake rolls, emotional feeling surfaced. Eyes are a little wet.

Did I make the right decision to go then? Is it my another reckless move?

Then, another part of my mind was struggling, reasoning by my own that move on is a part of growing as a person. I can stay put in my old office, but what are the benefits I would have if I stayed on. 5 years down the road, how different can I be? What further things will I be able to absorb? Everytime I run through thoughts like that, I felt better. Am I deceiving myself then? Perhaps right now I still able to afford being blind/emotionless for a while. Because I believe many things happen for a reason, fate and already planned destiny, who could really be able to change it. I am not being pessimistic, only trying to make my feelings more positively when thinking through unhappy thoughts.

Back to the 2 slices of cake rolls...

I shared with hub after our dinner. Looking at it, keeping it in the container will not make much difference. I have chose to forsake the old days and going to emerge in a new beginning. Things may look gloomy now and may not be what I have imagine, but I believe everything will falls into place soon. When that time eventually comes, maybe I will smile more confidently. Every bite on that cake rolls make my future brighter...

OK.. crazy! only I can understand...the nonsense thoughts whirling in my head.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I don't have much confident in whatever I do. I tends to get nervous when I have to try something new, something out of my comfort zone. Anxiety will steps in and I would feel unwell. I will make a u-turn then to avoid facing it. Not very good, a hinder to what I wants to achieve.

Coming to Norway, has been a really big step for me. Perhaps, if I was to go Asia countries instead, the impact might not be as great. Communication is certainly the top problem when I'm in Norway. The culture may be ranked second on my uncomfortable list. I am never a borned country person and more like a city girl. I am from a country that never sleeps with bright lights and unstoppable entertainment. I am definitely a well protected girl, shed from all kinds of danger by my family. In fact, I am never alone, with a sister glowing up with me and a husband I am married to always by my side whenever I meet difficulties.

Before boarding the plane, the stress was huge on my part. It may sound silly, but I never was alone in an unfamiliarised country for such long time. But then, there was no backing out in the last minute already. It is my dream to go to a European country alone and experience the life here so why am I complaining like a child. Even a child might have much more courage than I have. And so, I went boarding the plane with a peaceful heart, a gladful heart to be able to experience what I have always dreamt of.

I guess I lack in a lot of things. Some are natural born talent who may have greater talent than myself. But I believe, not everyone who works hard is rewarded BUT all those who succeed have worked hard. So I should work extremely hard to get rewarded. However, even if after working hard and I am still not rewarded, I'll just do it with pride. In the end, everything accomplished resides in my own hands. Something that not everyone would have the opportunity to try and brag about.

Today is my birthday - 17th September. In a country that I never thought I would be. Being here, might be afterall, the greatest present I've received (in term of experience).

When I am old and tells stories to my grandchildren... your grandmother has been to a country with a vast amount of Viking history, meeting friendly people, feeling the cold temperature and eating moose meat for dinner.

Took this picture when I visited the Ski Jump Tower yesterday afternoon. Moose.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Vegan (a colleague sitting besides me) was really kind to invite me to his house so that I can experience what a normal family in Norway actually lives. I agrees immediately. While in his car, we talked and throughout, I am mainly asking questions. So here goes...his normal working weekday.

He wakes at 630am and prepared his kids for school together with his wife. He reached office at 8am and starts his working day. Around 330pm, he will goes off work and pick up his kids from school. Afterwhich, together with his children, they will go to the grocery store to buy what is needed for the night dinner. The wife will usually cooks while he take a shower, and his kids will go outside to play with neighbours. Dinner time will sit around the table follow by desserts. The man of this house will usually wash the dishes so the wife can spend time checking on the children school work if any. Kids usually goes to bed at 730pm and husband/wife will have some quality time to take about the days happening before going to bed at 11pm latest.

As you can see, compares to Singaporean husband (or wife), they usually works until 6pm or 7pm. By the time they got back home, they are too tired to do anything, either cook/wash dishes/talk to the wife. No quality time is spent with the family. Even during weekends, some jobs requires 24-7 because there is always a mobile phone to stay contactable. THIS IS NOT HEALTY SINGAPORE.

In a report I read a few days ago, Norway is the happiest country to live and work in. NOW I TOTOLLY UNDERSTAND. And right, Singapore is the bottom 5th country in the world to be the happiest which IS NOT GOOD. Understandable, because the living standard is so stressful. I don't wanna blame the riches who came investing in my country and I don't blame the technology is so advanced that we always have to stay the latest to keep up the trend. I guess I can only blame human greed.

So yes, below are pictures of his house and kids.

The kids are really lively and chatty. They actually live in Singapore for 4 years before moving back to Norway. Authur (the younger boy) was born in Singapore. And yes, he is 4 years old this year. Both kids knows Chinese language (they have Chinese names as well) since in Singapore international school, they have to learn as one of the subject. So after dinner, the boys actually sing the Chinese new year song (gong xi gong xi) and the national day pop rhythmic song that we usually sing while in school. We played games and draw some pictures.

Vegan's wife drove me back. As they live half way in the mountain, it was a long drive to the city where my apartment is. Vegan wanted to take me to the famous ski location (the long ski road used in winter Olympics) on Saturday night so we could have dinner around that area. It was initially part of my plan when I am here, but when I checked the route to travel to this location, without a car, it is really difficult. So Vegan's offer was attractive when he mentioned. And of course I said yes. HAHA!

Singapore time now: 515am
Oslo time now: 1115pm

Packed and sleep. I am tired.

Cant wait for tomorrow. Because Johnny (another colleague) is taking me on a boat trip in his newly brought sailing boat after work. Johnny was telling me how he wish it will be windy tomorrow so his sailing boat will be able to move faster. Right, while writing this, I must remember to wrap myself warmly for tomorrow exciting event.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I planned the route of taking a bus to the Oslo office before I even touch down Oslo. And, to prevent getting lost, I went walking around the neighbourhood and find the correct bus stop which I have found it within 8 minutes. However, this morning when I went to work thinking I got the same correct path to the bus stop, walk and walk, and it is not correct. I remember it was supposed to be straight route no turning until I see some trees but I couldn't find it. So, I have to walk back and find the apartment and reattempt again. Luckily, I got it right finally and I am on time at work.

The bus was awesome, although it was pretty much crowded due to office hours perhaps. What I am talking about the awesomeness is the system on the bus and at the bus stop. There is a time tracker of how long the bus will be arriving. Unlike Singapore, the tracking time system here is really accurate. Then on the bus, there is a system which shows the stops (names) which as a first time tourist in Oslo, is totally amazing. I was counting stops at first, but realized I don't have to do it since the system will tells which stop (name) I have to get down. Here is a picture to illustrate what I am referring.

I fear not to be able to find the office. I remember my boss in Singapore told me about underpass. So, after getting down from the bus, I merely follow where the crowd is heading. And I am right. I manage to find the office building. The office is huge. I love their pantry because it is always stocked with fresh fruits, sandwiches, stealth and sparkling water or even different selection of tea and coffee to choose from. Canteen food was good too although it was not restaurant standard. At least, I got to eat my favourite smoked salmon. Really, no hot food.

Colleagues brought me outside of the office to feel the cold weather when without the jacket. Cool and windy. Nice old building, beautiful sea and the clouds are shaped beautifully. Here is one picture.

After work, I have to get onto the bus but unfortunately, I got onto the wrong one. Blessing as it is, because I spotted a beautiful yacht parking lot. Besides the walkway, squirrel was running around from one patch of grasses to another. Amazing!

Picture might be a little small to see the happy squirrel but visible. When I trying to go closer to take another picture, it ran off. HAHAHA! Cute!
Overall, a good day today. No rain which is important. Met great and friendly colleagues. Capture a happy squirrel. Spotted yachts when I got onto the wrong bus. Like what my mom told me at the airport before I came here, "担心干吗,命运自由安排!"
Singapore time now: 403am
Oslo time now: 1003pm
I am going to pack, wash up and suft some more net before heading to bed for a better day tomorrow.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Initially wanted to upload the photo I took in my business class seat for my second flight from Doha to Oslo but I cant find any Bluetooth icon in this computer. perhaps when I return to Singapore then I'll upload a few photos for those people who are interested to know more about Qatar airline. I think it is good to write, not really a review since I have no standard in writing. I did this because before I actually flew over, I took time to research on the airline and the country. It might be useful for ppl for intends to fly the same flight as me and who happens to also am the first time coming to Oslo.

The second flight seat was better. Nope, I dont refer to the movies and songs which is just the same as the first flight - outdated. However, the inflight games are much more interesting then the first flight. The seats may be a bit cramp then the first one I took, but it has more personal space. The seats are individual, which means you don't sit with someone else but yourself. Everyone have their needed private space to do their own thing. I like =) Besides, the guy who serviced me was handsome and sweet. As I did not ordered a lot of food (business class passengers can order food from the menu given which has about 8 selection or special request), he kept coming back and says it might be too little to be filling. HAHA! Somehow, at some point when I ordered a Jasmine tea (I drank half) and fell asleep shortly after, when I awake, the drink is gone. Good service yah - when hot tea turns cold it is a no no. I think I slept about 3 hours and awake for the rest of the 4.5 hours.

Arrival of airport, business class passengers were the first to allow to depart from the plane, which is a good thing since there wasn't any queue when I get my passport stamped and when I collect my luggage. The guy stamping my passport asked me a lot of questions like is this my first time in Oslo, have I booked my hotel and what business I am in which needed for me to be in Oslo... blablabla... very cautious.

I supposed to take the high speed train from airport to National Theatre but I got into the wrong train and headed somewhere else. I asked a guy (also a passenger from the same plane as I am but he was from economy class base on the color of his air ticket) and he helped me carried my luggages and teaches me how to go to where I want to go. When I said i'm intending to take a taxi, he shake his head and give me a no-no. He told me taxi are very expensive here and not worth it, advise me to make use of the public transportation. He added on, "anything that is shortcut is expensive." Very true indeed, because I still went ahead for taxi because my luggages are too big and I have used up my remaining energy. The journey was about 10 mins but my fare was a whopping SGD50.

Manage to find my apartment. Headed out for a walk around the neighbourhood, and of course to find the bus stop which I have to board a bus for work tomorrow. Was suppose to buy a pizza back as dinner but decided to go for Macdonald instead. I had 6 nuggets, fries and sprite, and it cost me SGD20 which is very expensive consider the fact that with what I have eaten, it will only cost my pocket SGD6 in Singapore. Asked for curry sauce to go with my nuggets, which is a wrong move, because the curry sauce was like bbq sauce. No chillies only tomatoes sauces. Told hub about it and hub said European doesn't fancy spicy. I guess so.

I am currently in the I-WANT-TO-GO-BACK-SINGAPORE mood. The apartment was very warm and stuffy. Lights were dim and there was no way I can make it brighter. I went down to the reception and told her my concerns if there is any air condition to cool my room. She gave me a straight face and replied, "80% of Norwegian homes have no air conditional." HAHA. I am glad at this hour (840pm Norwegian time), the room finally becomes much cooler. This also signify that outside temperature will be 2x colder than indoor temperature.        

Tomorrow will be my first day to Oslo head office for training of new system and processes. Nevertheless, first, I must reach the bus stop and get onto the right bus, stop at the right stop then gotta find the right way to the office which is the most challenging part.

Singapore timing now: 242am
Oslo timing now: 842pm

I am going to pack a bit, watch some videos then head for bed. Base on the experience I have today, I finally understand why when I asked my new colleagues in Singapore if they like it here and they replied no. HAHAHAHA!!! So, this is how they feel now like how I feel.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I have finally reach Doha airport after a long 7.5hrs flight. I am lucky with the huge leg room, good service from crew, high class breakfast and warm flight. Yes, such may be impossible for economy class flight. And yes, I am taking a business class flight this time round.

Although I have lots of praise as said above, but there are two things which I thought can be really improve. The movie selection are at minimum and old. There wasn't a wide selection either. Music was more on the 80s. I ended up sleeping through and played my iPad mini. The screen information of how long the arrival time and distance wasn't stated. Almost all of my time I am guessing how long more before we reach Doha when only I am not snoozing away.

I am glad a young lady sat beside me. We had some jokes and get to know each other a bit before we both slept throughout. She was from Qatar itself and came from the flight Bali. I forgot her name, except her positive warm jokes.

Anyway, the Qatar business lounge wasn't as impressive as I have thought before I flew. It was small and nothing too entertaining. As I am alone, I need to juggle with luggages alone. Taking a drink seems difficult when my hands are all full. But I'll try later, because I'm really thirsty. There is a small selection of buffet for business class transit passengers to fill their stomach. I haven't explore much on the food, since the inboard crew kept coming up with good food.

Before I came, read through some reviews which comment the lounge itself have massage chair and Xbox for entertainment. But I haven't seen any yet. Maybe I haven't really walk too much myself, I'll go explore later. However, shouldn't they have some brochures at the reception table for passengers to easy explore and place? Just my piece of thought.

Parents, sister and hub came sending me off. The feelings is great.

I have another connecting flight coming up in 2hrs time to Oslo. Then, another 7.5hrs flight. Hope I can get some sleep again. I need lots of energy to find train and my going-to-stay apartment for the next 2 weeks. Wish me luck. I'll update more later.

When you are alone, blog seems to be my next best friend. Hahaha...!!

Singapore time now : 1045am
Doha time now :545am


Friday, September 6, 2013


hub sent me this article last night since I will be flying to Oslo tomorrow. But this is a very good article. this is because 2 years ago I went to Europe and have some difficulties when trying to use the credit card. the sale staff over there tends to ask for your credit card pincode which usually... Singaporeans don't have I suppose.

Many people from the U.S, who visit Europe each year, encounter the issue of needing a PIN to use his/her credit card. Many of you (like me initially) try all your cards and end up leaving or using cash. Let me clear up these issues so that my fellow travelers won’t run into these problems any more.

About using

Here is the entire process:

1.) Check whether there is a slot to slide your credit card through. I do not mean the slot which says CHIP, this is for the new cards with smart chips, which I will explain later.

2.) Slide your card (like normally) through the card reader.


3.) When the screen, which asks for the code, “kod” (Swedish) pops up. Ask the person at the desk to punch the far right button (usually) to select for the SIGN FOR option.

For Norway:

3.) When the screen, which asks for the code pops up. Press the STOP key . And you should see a screen asking whether you want to sign for the bill pop up on the screen. Press ‘Yes’., 

4.) A person operating at the desk should print out a receipt, which you will sign. The receipt however does have a field for ID.

5.) Just fill in whatever you want for the ID. I love to just write ’12345′ and see if anyone notices :)

About Smart Chip
Many European nations require credit cards with smart chips. If you don’t have one, call up Chase, and ask them since many of their cards now, do have the chips.  These include: BA Visa, Hyatt Visa, and more. 

(copied from