Monday, September 9, 2013


Initially wanted to upload the photo I took in my business class seat for my second flight from Doha to Oslo but I cant find any Bluetooth icon in this computer. perhaps when I return to Singapore then I'll upload a few photos for those people who are interested to know more about Qatar airline. I think it is good to write, not really a review since I have no standard in writing. I did this because before I actually flew over, I took time to research on the airline and the country. It might be useful for ppl for intends to fly the same flight as me and who happens to also am the first time coming to Oslo.

The second flight seat was better. Nope, I dont refer to the movies and songs which is just the same as the first flight - outdated. However, the inflight games are much more interesting then the first flight. The seats may be a bit cramp then the first one I took, but it has more personal space. The seats are individual, which means you don't sit with someone else but yourself. Everyone have their needed private space to do their own thing. I like =) Besides, the guy who serviced me was handsome and sweet. As I did not ordered a lot of food (business class passengers can order food from the menu given which has about 8 selection or special request), he kept coming back and says it might be too little to be filling. HAHA! Somehow, at some point when I ordered a Jasmine tea (I drank half) and fell asleep shortly after, when I awake, the drink is gone. Good service yah - when hot tea turns cold it is a no no. I think I slept about 3 hours and awake for the rest of the 4.5 hours.

Arrival of airport, business class passengers were the first to allow to depart from the plane, which is a good thing since there wasn't any queue when I get my passport stamped and when I collect my luggage. The guy stamping my passport asked me a lot of questions like is this my first time in Oslo, have I booked my hotel and what business I am in which needed for me to be in Oslo... blablabla... very cautious.

I supposed to take the high speed train from airport to National Theatre but I got into the wrong train and headed somewhere else. I asked a guy (also a passenger from the same plane as I am but he was from economy class base on the color of his air ticket) and he helped me carried my luggages and teaches me how to go to where I want to go. When I said i'm intending to take a taxi, he shake his head and give me a no-no. He told me taxi are very expensive here and not worth it, advise me to make use of the public transportation. He added on, "anything that is shortcut is expensive." Very true indeed, because I still went ahead for taxi because my luggages are too big and I have used up my remaining energy. The journey was about 10 mins but my fare was a whopping SGD50.

Manage to find my apartment. Headed out for a walk around the neighbourhood, and of course to find the bus stop which I have to board a bus for work tomorrow. Was suppose to buy a pizza back as dinner but decided to go for Macdonald instead. I had 6 nuggets, fries and sprite, and it cost me SGD20 which is very expensive consider the fact that with what I have eaten, it will only cost my pocket SGD6 in Singapore. Asked for curry sauce to go with my nuggets, which is a wrong move, because the curry sauce was like bbq sauce. No chillies only tomatoes sauces. Told hub about it and hub said European doesn't fancy spicy. I guess so.

I am currently in the I-WANT-TO-GO-BACK-SINGAPORE mood. The apartment was very warm and stuffy. Lights were dim and there was no way I can make it brighter. I went down to the reception and told her my concerns if there is any air condition to cool my room. She gave me a straight face and replied, "80% of Norwegian homes have no air conditional." HAHA. I am glad at this hour (840pm Norwegian time), the room finally becomes much cooler. This also signify that outside temperature will be 2x colder than indoor temperature.        

Tomorrow will be my first day to Oslo head office for training of new system and processes. Nevertheless, first, I must reach the bus stop and get onto the right bus, stop at the right stop then gotta find the right way to the office which is the most challenging part.

Singapore timing now: 242am
Oslo timing now: 842pm

I am going to pack a bit, watch some videos then head for bed. Base on the experience I have today, I finally understand why when I asked my new colleagues in Singapore if they like it here and they replied no. HAHAHAHA!!! So, this is how they feel now like how I feel.

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