Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I planned the route of taking a bus to the Oslo office before I even touch down Oslo. And, to prevent getting lost, I went walking around the neighbourhood and find the correct bus stop which I have found it within 8 minutes. However, this morning when I went to work thinking I got the same correct path to the bus stop, walk and walk, and it is not correct. I remember it was supposed to be straight route no turning until I see some trees but I couldn't find it. So, I have to walk back and find the apartment and reattempt again. Luckily, I got it right finally and I am on time at work.

The bus was awesome, although it was pretty much crowded due to office hours perhaps. What I am talking about the awesomeness is the system on the bus and at the bus stop. There is a time tracker of how long the bus will be arriving. Unlike Singapore, the tracking time system here is really accurate. Then on the bus, there is a system which shows the stops (names) which as a first time tourist in Oslo, is totally amazing. I was counting stops at first, but realized I don't have to do it since the system will tells which stop (name) I have to get down. Here is a picture to illustrate what I am referring.

I fear not to be able to find the office. I remember my boss in Singapore told me about underpass. So, after getting down from the bus, I merely follow where the crowd is heading. And I am right. I manage to find the office building. The office is huge. I love their pantry because it is always stocked with fresh fruits, sandwiches, stealth and sparkling water or even different selection of tea and coffee to choose from. Canteen food was good too although it was not restaurant standard. At least, I got to eat my favourite smoked salmon. Really, no hot food.

Colleagues brought me outside of the office to feel the cold weather when without the jacket. Cool and windy. Nice old building, beautiful sea and the clouds are shaped beautifully. Here is one picture.

After work, I have to get onto the bus but unfortunately, I got onto the wrong one. Blessing as it is, because I spotted a beautiful yacht parking lot. Besides the walkway, squirrel was running around from one patch of grasses to another. Amazing!

Picture might be a little small to see the happy squirrel but visible. When I trying to go closer to take another picture, it ran off. HAHAHA! Cute!
Overall, a good day today. No rain which is important. Met great and friendly colleagues. Capture a happy squirrel. Spotted yachts when I got onto the wrong bus. Like what my mom told me at the airport before I came here, "担心干吗,命运自由安排!"
Singapore time now: 403am
Oslo time now: 1003pm
I am going to pack, wash up and suft some more net before heading to bed for a better day tomorrow.

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