Friday, September 27, 2013


I've returned from Oslo to Singapore finally. Work in Singapore wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be (will update more on Oslo soon). And... unexpectedly, I miss my old office. I miss the warm, the laughter and the humanity. Hub says because of cultural and race differences since there never same between Caucasians and Chinese working styles. I nodded.

At lunch, I met Vivien, the ex-colleague.

She gave me a box with 2 slices of cake rolls from Good and Rich (pandan and durian). The ex-colleagues reserve two slices for me, one of each.

Hungry, and looking at the box, I couldn't eat it. The love and warm from the old office. Everytime I looked at the box with 2 slices of cake rolls, emotional feeling surfaced. Eyes are a little wet.

Did I make the right decision to go then? Is it my another reckless move?

Then, another part of my mind was struggling, reasoning by my own that move on is a part of growing as a person. I can stay put in my old office, but what are the benefits I would have if I stayed on. 5 years down the road, how different can I be? What further things will I be able to absorb? Everytime I run through thoughts like that, I felt better. Am I deceiving myself then? Perhaps right now I still able to afford being blind/emotionless for a while. Because I believe many things happen for a reason, fate and already planned destiny, who could really be able to change it. I am not being pessimistic, only trying to make my feelings more positively when thinking through unhappy thoughts.

Back to the 2 slices of cake rolls...

I shared with hub after our dinner. Looking at it, keeping it in the container will not make much difference. I have chose to forsake the old days and going to emerge in a new beginning. Things may look gloomy now and may not be what I have imagine, but I believe everything will falls into place soon. When that time eventually comes, maybe I will smile more confidently. Every bite on that cake rolls make my future brighter...

OK.. crazy! only I can understand...the nonsense thoughts whirling in my head.

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